Source code for simplestereo.rectification

Contains different rectification algorithms.
import math
import warnings

import numpy as np
import cv2
import scipy.optimize as optimize
from scipy.linalg import null_space, cholesky

import simplestereo as ss

[docs] def getFittingMatrix(intrinsicMatrix1, intrinsicMatrix2, H1, H2, dims1, dims2, distCoeffs1=None, distCoeffs2=None, destDims=None, alpha=1): """ Compute affine tranformation to fit the rectified images into desidered dimensions. After rectification usually the image is no more into the original image bounds. One can apply any transformation that do not affect disparity to fit the image into boundaries. This function corrects flipped images too. The algorithm may fail if one epipole is too close to the image. Parameters ---------- intrinsicMatrix1, intrinsicMatrix2 : numpy.ndarray 3x3 original camera matrices of intrinsic parameters. H1, H2 : numpy.ndarray 3x3 rectifying homographies. dims1, dims2 : tuple Resolution of images as (width, height) tuple. distCoeffs1, distCoeffs2 : numpy.ndarray, optional Distortion coefficients in the order followed by OpenCV. If None is passed, zero distortion is assumed. destDims : tuple, optional Resolution of destination images as (width, height) tuple (default to the first image resolution). alpha : float, optional Scaling parameter between 0 and 1 to be applied to both images. If alpha=1 (default), the corners of the original images are preserved. If alpha=0, only valid rectangle is made visible. Intermediate values produce a result in the middle. Extremely skewed camera positions do not work well with alpha<1. Returns ------- numpy.ndarray 3x3 affine transformation to be used both for the first and for the second camera. """ if destDims is None: destDims = dims1 # Get border points tL1, tR1, bR1, bL1 = _getCorners(H1, intrinsicMatrix1, dims1, distCoeffs1) tL2, tR2, bR2, bL2 = _getCorners(H2, intrinsicMatrix2, dims2, distCoeffs2) minX1 = min(tR1[0], bR1[0], bL1[0], tL1[0]) minX2 = min(tR2[0], bR2[0], bL2[0], tL2[0]) maxX1 = max(tR1[0], bR1[0], bL1[0], tL1[0]) maxX2 = max(tR2[0], bR2[0], bL2[0], tL2[0]) minY = min(tR2[1], bR2[1], bL2[1], tL2[1], tR1[1], bR1[1], bL1[1], tL1[1]) maxY = max(tR2[1], bR2[1], bL2[1], tL2[1], tR1[1], bR1[1], bL1[1], tL1[1]) # Flip factor flipX = 1 flipY = 1 if tL1[0]>tR1[0]: flipX = -1 if tL1[1]>bL1[1]: flipY = -1 # Scale X (choose common scale X to best fit bigger image between left and right) if(maxX2 - minX2 > maxX1 - minX1): scaleX = flipX * destDims[0]/(maxX2 - minX2) else: scaleX = flipX * destDims[0]/(maxX1 - minX1) # Scale Y (unique not to lose rectification) scaleY = flipY * destDims[1]/(maxY - minY) # Translation X (keep always at left border) if flipX == 1: tX = -min(minX1, minX2) * scaleX else: tX = -min(maxX1, maxX2) * scaleX # Translation Y (keep always at top border) if flipY == 1: tY = -minY * scaleY else: tY = -maxY * scaleY # Final affine transformation Fit = np.array( [[scaleX,0,tX], [0,scaleY,tY], [0,0,1]] ) if alpha >= 1: # Preserve all image corners return Fit if alpha < 0: alpha = 0 # Find inner rectangle for both images tL1, tR1, bR1, bL1 = _getCorners(, intrinsicMatrix1, destDims, distCoeffs1) tL2, tR2, bR2, bL2 = _getCorners(, intrinsicMatrix2, destDims, distCoeffs2) left = max(tL1[0], bL1[0], tL2[0], bL2[0]) right = min(tR1[0], bR1[0], tR2[0], bR2[0]) top = max(tL1[1], tR1[1], tL2[1], tR2[1]) bottom = min(bL1[1], bR1[1], bL2[1], bR2[1]) s = max(destDims[0]/(right-left), destDims[1]/(bottom-top)) # Extra scaling parameter s = (s-1)*(1-alpha) + 1 # As linear function of alpha K = np.eye(3) K[0,0] = K[1,1] = s K[0,2] = -s * left K[1,2] = -s * top return
def _getCorners(H, intrinsicMatrix, dims, distCoeffs=None): """ Get points on the image borders after distortion correction and a rectification transformation. Parameters ---------- H : numpy.ndarray 3x3 rectification homography. intrinsicMatrix : numpy.ndarray 3x3 camera matrix of intrinsic parameters. dims : tuple Image dimensions in pixels as (width, height). distCoeffs : numpy.ndarray or None Distortion coefficients (default to None). Returns ------- tuple Corners of the image clockwise from top-left. """ if distCoeffs is None: distCoeffs = np.zeros(5) # Set image corners in the form requested by cv2.undistortPoints corners = np.zeros((4,1,2), dtype=np.float32) corners[0,0] = [0,0] # Top left corners[1,0] = [dims[0]-1,0] # Top right corners[2,0] = [dims[0]-1,dims[1]-1] # Bottom right corners[3,0] = [0, dims[1]-1] # Bottom left undist_rect_corners = cv2.undistortPoints(corners, intrinsicMatrix, distCoeffs, return [(x,y) for x, y in np.squeeze(undist_rect_corners)] def _getCornersFromMatrix(M, dims): """ Calculate image corners from homography. Parameters ---------- M : numpy.ndarray 3x3 transformation matrix. dims : tuple Image dimensions as (width, height). Returns ------- tuple The coordinates of the four corners (clockwise from top left). """ tL =[[0],[0],[1]]))[:,0] tL = tL/tL[2] tR =[[dims[0]-1],[0],[1]]))[:,0] tR = tR/tR[2] bR =[[dims[0]-1],[dims[1]-1],[1]]))[:,0] bR = bR/bR[2] bL =[[0],[dims[1]-1],[1]]))[:,0] bL = bL/bL[2] return tL[:2], tR[:2], bR[:2], bL[:2]
[docs] def stereoRectify(rig): """ Rectify the StereoRig object using the standard OpenCV algorithm. This function computes the new common camera orientation by averaging. It does not produce the rectifying homographies with minimal perspective distortion. Parameters ---------- rig : StereoRig An object of the StereoRig class Returns ------- rectifiedStereoRigObj : RectifiedStereoRig An object of the RectifiedStereoRig class containing the rectifying homographies. """ R1, R2, _, _, _, _, _ = cv2.stereoRectify(rig.intrinsic1, rig.distCoeffs1, rig.intrinsic2, rig.distCoeffs2, rig.res1, rig.R, rig.T, flags=0) # OpenCV does not compute the rectifying homography, but a rotation in the object space. # R1 = Rnew * Rcam^{-1} # To get the homography: homography1 = homography2 = # To get the common orientation, since the first camera has orientation as origin: # Rcommon = R1 # It also can be retrieved from R2, cancelling the rotation of the second camera. # Rcommon = rectStereoRig = ss.RectifiedStereoRig(R1, homography1, homography2, rig) return rectStereoRig
[docs] def fusielloRectify(rig): """ Computes the two rectifying homographies and returns a RectifiedStereoRig. This method uses the algorithm illustrated in *A compact algorithm for rectification of stereo pair*, A. Fusiello et al., Machine Vision and Applications (2000). Parameters ---------- rig : StereoRig An object of the StereoRig class. Camera must be position 1 (origin), projector in position 2. Returns ------- rectifiedStereoRigObj : RectifiedStereoRig An object of the RectifiedStereoRig class containing the rectifying homographies. """ # Get baseline vector _, B = rig.getCenters() # First camera is always in origin # Find new directions v1 = np.squeeze(B) # New x direction v2 = np.cross(np.array([0,0,1]) , v1) # New y direction. v3 = np.cross(v1,v2) # New z direction # Normalize v1 = v1 / np.linalg.norm(v1) # Normalize x v2 = v2 / np.linalg.norm(v2) # Normalize y v3 = v3 / np.linalg.norm(v3) # Normalize z # Create rotation matrix (new common orientation of the cameras) Rot = np.array( [ v1, v2, v3 ] ) # New intrinsic is arbitrary (it needs to be adapted later using fitting matrices). A = (rig.intrinsic1 + rig.intrinsic2)/2 # Transformations to rectify images Rectify1 = np.linalg.inv(rig.intrinsic1) ) Rectify2 = np.linalg.inv(rig.R) ).dot(np.linalg.inv(rig.intrinsic2)) rectStereoRig = ss.RectifiedStereoRig(Rot, Rectify1, Rectify2, rig) return rectStereoRig
def _lowLevelRectify(rig): """ Get basic rectification using Fusiello et al. for *internal* purposes only. This assumes that camera is coincident with world origin. Please refer to the rectification module for general image rectification. See Also -------- :func:`simplestereo.rectification.fusielloRectify` """ # Get baseline vector _, B = rig.getCenters() # Find new directions v1 = B # New x direction v2 = np.cross([0,0,1], v1) # New y direction v3 = np.cross(v1,v2) # New z direction # Normalize v1 = v1 / np.linalg.norm(v1) # Normalize x v2 = v2 / np.linalg.norm(v2) # Normalize y v3 = v3 / np.linalg.norm(v3) # Normalize z # Create rotation matrix R = np.array( [ v1, v2, v3 ] ) # Build rectification transforms R1 = ( R ).dot( np.linalg.inv(rig.intrinsic1) ) R2 = ( R ).dot( np.linalg.inv(rig.R) ).dot( np.linalg.inv(rig.intrinsic2) ) return R1, R2, R
[docs] def loopRectify(rig): """ Computes the two rectifying homographies and returns a RectifiedStereoRig. This method is an implementation of the algorithm illustrated in *Computying rectifying homographies for stereo vision*, CVPR 1999, Loop C. and Zhang Z. This function performs a minimization using ``scipy.optimize`` module. Parameters ---------- rig : StereoRig An object of the StereoRig class. Returns ------- rectifiedStereoRigObj : RectifiedStereoRig An object of the RectifiedStereoRig class containing the rectifying homographies. .. note:: Also an object of :meth:`simplestereo.RectifiedStereoRig` may be passed as input to recalculate its rectification transformations (e.g. changing algorithm). """ def findInitialGuess(A1, B1, A2, B2): # Internal use function # Find initial guess for optimization try: D1 = cholesky(A1, lower=True) # Upper triangle so that A1 = D2 = cholesky(A2, lower=True) except Exception as e: # If factorization fails because of negative eigenvalues # you may try to manage with it... # Eg. try to add a small value to diagonal elements # BUT THIS IS NOT GUARANTEED A1 += 1e-10 * np.eye(3) A2 += 1e-10 * np.eye(3) try: D1 = cholesky(A1, lower=True) D2 = cholesky(A2, lower=True) warnings.warn("Added 1e-10 value to diagonal elements of A1 and A2 before Cholesky factorization.", RuntimeWarning) except np.linalg.LinAlgError: # If fails again, raise the original error raise e # Calculate the eigenvector associated to the maximum eigenvalue of np.linalg.inv(D1) D1_inv = np.linalg.inv(D1) eval1, evec1 = np.linalg.eig( # Calculate corresponding eigenvectors/values evec1_max = evec1[ np.argmax(eval1) ] # Take eigenvector associated to greates eigenvalue z1 = # Initial guess associated with first image # Same for image 2 D2_inv = np.linalg.inv(D2) eval2, evec2 = np.linalg.eig( evec2_max = evec2[ np.argmax(eval2) ] z2 = # Initial guess chosen as the average z = ( z1/np.linalg.norm(z1) + z2/np.linalg.norm(z2) ) / 2 return z def minDistortion(z, A1, B1, A2, B2): # Distortion minimization target z[1] = 1 # Impose z in the form [lambda, 1, 0] z[2] = 0 return float( / + / ) def getMinYCoord(H, dims): # Get the minimum Y coordinate after a transformation H. # Please refer to "Computying rectifying homographies for stereo vision", CVPR 1999, Loop C. and Zhang Z. tL =[[0],[0],[1]]))[:,0] tL = tL/tL[2] bL =[[0],[dims[1]-1],[1]]))[:,0] bL = bL/bL[2] tR =[[dims[0]-1],[0],[1]]))[:,0] tR = tR/tR[2] bR =[[dims[0]-1],[dims[1]-1],[1]]))[:,0] bR = bR/bR[2] return min(tL[1], tR[1], bR[1], bL[1]) # Get data from stereo rig F = rig.getFundamentalMatrix() dims1 = rig.res1 dims2 = rig.res2 # Calculate epipoles as left and right kernels of F e1 = null_space(F) #e2 = null_space(F.T) # Not needed, but kept for reference # Get e1 as cross product antisymmetric matrix e1_cross = ss.utils.getCrossProductMatrix(np.squeeze(e1)) # Compute A and B matrices for both images A1 = (dims1[0]*dims1[1]/12)*np.array([[dims1[0]**2 - 1, 0, 0],[0, dims1[1]**2 - 1,0],[0, 0, 0]]) ).dot(e1_cross) A2 = (dims2[0]*dims2[1]/12)*np.array([[dims2[0]**2 - 1, 0, 0],[0, dims2[1]**2 - 1,0],[0, 0, 0]]) ).dot(F) B1 = np.array([[(dims1[0] - 1)**2/4, (dims1[0] - 1)*(dims1[1] - 1)/4, (dims1[0] - 1)/2], [(dims1[0] - 1)*(dims1[1] - 1)/4, (dims1[1] - 1)**2/4, (dims1[1] - 1)/2],[(dims1[0] - 1)/2, (dims1[1] - 1)/2, 1]]) ).dot(e1_cross) B2 = np.array([[(dims2[0] - 1)**2/4, (dims2[0] - 1)*(dims2[1] - 1)/4, (dims2[0] - 1)/2], [(dims2[0] - 1)*(dims2[1] - 1)/4, (dims2[1] - 1)**2/4, (dims2[1] - 1)/2],[(dims2[0] - 1)/2, (dims2[1] - 1)/2, 1]]) ).dot(F) # Find initial guess (see par. 5.2 of paper) initial_guess = findInitialGuess(A1, B1, A2, B2) # Minimize using default method result = optimize.minimize(minDistortion, initial_guess, args=(A1, B1, A2, B2,)) if result.success: z = result.x else: raise ValueError(result.message) # Impose z in the form [lambda, 1, 0] z[1] = 1 z[2] = 0 # Get w1 and w2 w1 = w2 = w1 = w1/w1[2] w2 = w2/w2[2] # Build projective transforms Hp1 = np.array([ [1,0,0], [0,1,0], w1]) Hp2 = np.array([ [1,0,0], [0,1,0], w2]) # Calculate vc2 so that "the minimum w-coordinate of a pixel in either image is zero." vc2 = -min( getMinYCoord(Hp1, dims1), getMinYCoord(Hp2, dims2) ) # Build similarity transforms # Original formulation (NOT WORKING) #Hr1 = np.array([ [ F[2,1]-w1[1]*F[2,2], w1[0]*F[2,2]-F[2,0], 0], \ # [ F[2,0]-w1[0]*F[2,2], F[2,1]-w1[1]*F[2,2], F[2,2] + vc2 ], \ # [0, 0, 1] ]) # Changed sign to second row of Hr1 to make it work... Hr1 = np.array([ [ F[2,1]-w1[1]*F[2,2], w1[0]*F[2,2]-F[2,0], 0], \ [ w1[0]*F[2,2]-F[2,0], w1[1]*F[2,2]-F[2,1], -(F[2,2] + vc2) ], \ [0, 0, 1] ]) # This one is like the original Hr2 = np.array([ [ F[1,2]-w2[1]*F[2,2], w2[0]*F[2,2]-F[0,2], 0], \ [ F[0,2]-w2[0]*F[2,2], F[1,2]-w2[1]*F[2,2], vc2], \ [0, 0, 1] ]) # Combine perspective and similarity transforms Hrp1 = Hrp2 = # Find shearing transforms Hs1 = getBestXShearingTransformation(Hrp1, dims1) Hs2 = getBestXShearingTransformation(Hrp2, dims2) # Get final rectification transforms Rectify1 = Rectify2 = # END OF ORIGINAL ALGORITHM ### Rcommon to be calculated here! # New x axis C1 , C2 = rig.getCenters() xv = C1 - C2 # New x axis # Calculation of the z axis of common orientation (thanks to Marta) zv = np.cross(e1[:,0],z) # New z axis zv = zv/zv[2] # Get y axis as cross product yv = np.cross(zv, xv) # New y axis xv = xv / np.linalg.norm(xv) # Normalize x direction yv = yv / np.linalg.norm(yv) # Normalize y direction zv = zv / np.linalg.norm(zv) # Normalize z direction # Build common camera orientation Rcommon = np.array([xv,yv,zv]) rectStereoRig = ss.RectifiedStereoRig(Rcommon, Rectify1, Rectify2, rig) return rectStereoRig
[docs] def getBestXShearingTransformation(rectHomography, dims): """ Get best shear transformation (affine) over x axis that minimizes distortion. Applying a shearing transformation over the x axis does not affect rectification and allows to reduce image distortion. Original algorithm in par. 7 of *Computying rectifying homographies for stereo vision*, CVPR 1999, Loop C. and Zhang Z. Parameters ---------- rectHomography : numpy.ndarray A 3x3 rectification homography. dims : tuple Resolution of destination image as (width, height) tuple. Returns ------- S : numpy.ndarray A 3x3 shearing (x axis) transform. .. note:: All the tranformations applied to the images must be taken into account when computing disparity for 3D reconstruction. """ a =[(dims[0]-1)/2, 0, 1]) # Top middlepoint b =[(dims[0]-1), (dims[1]-1)/2, 1]) # Right middlepoint c =[(dims[0]-1)/2, (dims[1]-1), 1]) # Bottom middlepoint d =[0, (dims[1]-1)/2, 1]) # Left middlepoint a = a / a[2] b = b / b[2] c = c / c[2] d = d / d[2] # Get lines x = b - d y = c - a # Calculate coefficients a_coeff = ( (dims[1]*x[1])**2 + (dims[0]*y[1])**2 ) / ( dims[0]*dims[1]*(x[1]*y[0] - x[0]*y[1]) ) b_coeff = ( (dims[1]**2)*x[0]*x[1] + (dims[0]**2)*y[0]*y[1] ) / ( dims[0]*dims[1]*(x[0]*y[1] - x[1]*y[0]) ) # Build shearing matrix transform S = np.array([[a_coeff,b_coeff,0],[0,1,0],[0,0,1]]) return S
def directRectify(rig): """ Compute the analytical rectification homographies. Compute the 3x3 transformations to rectify a couple of stereo images with minimim perspective distortion. This implementation provides direct analytic solution, without using minimization. Parameters ---------- rig : StereoRig An object of the StereoRig class. Returns ------- Rectify1, Rectify2 : numpy.ndarray 3x3 rectification homographies. See Also -------- Lafiosca Pasquale and Ceccaroni Marta, "Rectifying homographies for stereo vision: analytical solution for minimal distortion", Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, 2022. """ # Load data from stereo rig A1 = rig.intrinsic1 A2 = rig.intrinsic2 RT1 = np.hstack((np.eye(3), np.zeros((3,1)))) # World origin set in first camera RT2 = np.hstack((rig.R, rig.T)) dims1 = rig.res1 dims2 = rig.res2 F = rig.getFundamentalMatrix() def getMinYCoord(H, dims): # Get the minimum Y coordinate after a transformation H. # Please refer to "Computying rectifying homographies for stereo vision", CVPR 1999, Loop C. and Zhang Z. tL =[[0],[0],[1]]))[:,0] tL = tL/tL[2] bL =[[0],[dims[1]-1],[1]]))[:,0] bL = bL/bL[2] tR =[[dims[0]-1],[0],[1]]))[:,0] tR = tR/tR[2] bR =[[dims[0]-1],[dims[1]-1],[1]]))[:,0] bR = bR/bR[2] return min(tL[1], tR[1], bR[1], bL[1]) if np.all(np.equal(F/F[2,1], np.array([[0,0,0],[0,0,-1],[0,1,0]]))): # PARTICULAR CASE 1: Stereo rig is already rectified # No perspective transformation is needed w1 = w2 = np.array([0,0,1]) else: # Baseline vector in world coord (cam1 -> cam2) bv = np.linalg.inv(RT2[:,:3]).dot(RT2[:,3]) - np.linalg.inv(RT1[:,:3]).dot(RT1[:,3]) # Auxiliary matrices B = ( * np.eye(3) - bv[:,None].dot(bv[None,:]) ).dot(np.linalg.inv([:,:3]))) L1 = np.transpose(np.linalg.inv([:,:3]))).dot(B) L2 = np.transpose(np.linalg.inv([:,:3]))).dot(B) # Auxiliary matrices II (as in Loop-Zhang algorithm) # N.B. The variable P1 is actually P1.P1^T and so on. P1 = (dims1[0]*dims1[1]/12)*np.array([[dims1[0]**2 - 1, 0, 0],[0, dims1[1]**2 - 1,0],[0, 0, 0]]) Pc1 = np.array([[(dims1[0] - 1)**2/4, (dims1[0] - 1)*(dims1[1] - 1)/4, (dims1[0] - 1)/2], [(dims1[0] - 1)*(dims1[1] - 1)/4, (dims1[1] - 1)**2/4, (dims1[1] - 1)/2],[(dims1[0] - 1)/2, (dims1[1] - 1)/2, 1]]) P2 = (dims2[0]*dims2[1]/12)*np.array([[dims2[0]**2 - 1, 0, 0],[0, dims2[1]**2 - 1,0],[0, 0, 0]]) Pc2 = np.array([[(dims2[0] - 1)**2/4, (dims2[0] - 1)*(dims2[1] - 1)/4, (dims2[0] - 1)/2], [(dims2[0] - 1)*(dims2[1] - 1)/4, (dims2[1] - 1)**2/4, (dims2[1] - 1)/2],[(dims2[0] - 1)/2, (dims2[1] - 1)/2, 1]]) M1 = C1 = M2 = C2 = # Polynomial coefficients m1 = M1[1,2]*C1[1,2] - M1[2,2]*C1[1,1] m2 = M1[1,1]*C1[1,2] - M1[1,2]*C1[1,1] if np.all(np.equal(RT1[:,:3], RT2[:,:3])) and np.all(np.equal(A1, A2)) and np.all(np.equal(P1, P2)) and np.all(np.equal(Pc1, Pc2)): # PARTICULAR CASE 2: The cameras have the same orientation: we have a single solution sol = [-m1/m2] else: # Polynomial coefficients II m3 = C2[1,2]/C2[1,1] m4 = C2[1,1]/C1[1,1] m5 = M2[1,2]*C2[1,2] - M2[2,2]*C2[1,1] m6 = M2[1,1]*C2[1,2] - M2[1,2]*C2[1,1] m7 = C1[1,2]/C1[1,1] m8 = 1/m4 a = m2*m4 + m6*m8 b = m1*m4 + 3*m2*m3*m4 + m5*m8 + 3*m6*m7*m8 c = 3*(m1*m3*m4 + m2*m3**2*m4 + m5*m7*m8 + m6*m7**2*m8) d = 3*m1*m3**2*m4 + m2*m3**3*m4 + 3*m5*m7**2*m8 + m6*m7**3*m8 e = m1*m3**3*m4 + m5*m7**3*m8 # 4th degree equation formula p = (8*a*c - 3 * b**2 ) / (8 * a**2) q = 12*a*e - 3*b*d + c**2 s = 27*a*d**2 - 72*a*c*e + 27*b**2*e - 9*b*c*d + 2*c**3 D0 = math.pow( (1/2)*(s+math.sqrt(s**2 - 4*q**3)), 1/3) Q = (1/2) * math.sqrt( -(2/3)*p + 1/(3*a) * (D0 + q / D0) ) S = ( 8*a**2*d - 4*a*b*c + b**3 ) / ( 8*a**3 ) # Take acceptable solutions only sol = [] if -4*Q**2 - 2*p + S/Q >= 0: sol.append( -b / (4*a) - Q - (1/2)*math.sqrt( -4*Q**2 - 2*p + S/Q) ) sol.append( -b / (4*a) - Q + (1/2)*math.sqrt( -4*Q**2 - 2*p + S/Q) ) if -4*Q**2 - 2*p - S/Q >= 0: sol.append( -b / (4*a) + Q - (1/2)*math.sqrt( -4*Q**2 - 2*p - S/Q) ) sol.append( -b / (4*a) + Q + (1/2)*math.sqrt( -4*Q**2 - 2*p - S/Q) ) if len(sol)<1: raise ValueError("No analitic solution.") def evaluateSolution(ss): # Inner function to compute w1 and w2 from the solution # Point over image 1 in world coordinates p1w = np.linalg.inv(RT1[:,:3]).dot( np.linalg.inv(A1).dot(np.array([0,ss,1])) - RT1[:,3] ) # New x axis xv = bv / np.linalg.norm(bv) # Projection on the baseline of the vector p1w - C2 in world coordinates oop1w = ( p1w + np.linalg.inv(RT2[:,:3]).dot(RT2[:,3]) ).dot(xv) * xv - np.linalg.inv(RT2[:,:3]).dot(RT2[:,3]) zv = p1w - oop1w # New z axis yv = np.cross(zv, bv) # New y axis yv = yv / np.linalg.norm(yv) # Normalize y direction zv = zv / np.linalg.norm(zv) # Normalize z direction Rnew = np.array([xv,yv,zv]) # New camera orientation # Loop-Zhang w1 and w2 w1 = np.linalg.inv([:,:3])) )[2,:] w2 = np.linalg.inv([:,:3])) )[2,:] w1 = w1 / w1[2] # Rescale with 3rd coordinate as 1 w2 = w2 / w2[2] #l = -w1[1]/w1[0] # Loop-Zhang lambda parameter (not needed) return w1, w2, Rnew def getDistortion(s): # Inner function as compact version of Loop and Zhang distortion w1, w2, _ = evaluateSolution(s) dist1 = float( ) dist2 = float( ) return dist1+dist2 # Find minimum distortion among admissible solutions (4 or 2 solutions) bestSol = min(zip( sol, map(getDistortion, sol)), key=lambda x:x[1])[0] # Get associated w1, w2 and new common orientation. w1, w2, Rnew = evaluateSolution(bestSol) # At this point we have the correct w1 and w2 # From here we follow the rest of the Loop-Zhang algorithm # Build projective transforms Hp1 = np.array([ [1,0,0], [0,1,0], w1 ]) Hp2 = np.array([ [1,0,0], [0,1,0], w2 ]) # Calculate vc2 so that "the minimum w-coordinate of a pixel in either image is zero." vc2 = -min( getMinYCoord(Hp1, dims1), getMinYCoord(Hp2, dims2) ) # Build similarity transforms Hr1 = np.array([ [F[2,1]-w1[1]*F[2,2], w1[0]*F[2,2]-F[2,0], 0], \ [w1[0]*F[2,2]-F[2,0], w1[1]*F[2,2]-F[2,1], -(F[2,2] + vc2)], \ [0, 0, 1] ]) Hr2 = np.array([ [F[1,2]-w2[1]*F[2,2], w2[0]*F[2,2]-F[0,2], 0], \ [F[0,2]-w2[0]*F[2,2], F[1,2]-w2[1]*F[2,2], vc2], \ [0, 0, 1] ]) # Combine perspective and similarity transformations Hrp1 = Hrp2 = # Find best shearing transformations Hs1 = getBestXShearingTransformation(Hrp1, dims1) Hs2 = getBestXShearingTransformation(Hrp2, dims2) # Get final rectification transformations Rectify1 = Rectify2 = # Build a RectifiedStereoRig object rectStereoRig = ss.RectifiedStereoRig(Rnew, Rectify1, Rectify2, rig) return rectStereoRig