Source code for simplestereo.points

Functions to manage point clouds.
import numpy as np
import cv2

[docs] def exportPLY(points3D, filepath, referenceImage=None, precision=6): """ Export raw point cloud to PLY file (ASCII). Parameters ---------- points3D : numpy.ndarray Array of 3D points. The last dimension must contain ordered x,y,z coordinates. filepath : str File path for the PLY file (absolute or relative). referenceImage : numpy.ndarray, optional Reference image to extract color from. It must contain the same number of points of `points3D`. Last dimension must be either 1 (grayscale) or 3 (BGR). Default to None. precision : int Decimal places to save coordinates with. Higher precision causes bigger file size. Default to 6. """ originalShape = points3D.shape points3D = points3D.reshape(-1,3) n = points3D.shape[0] with open(filepath, "w") as f: f.write("ply\nformat ascii 1.0\ncomment SimpleStereo point cloud export\n") # Store the original array shape for future use f.write(f"comment Original array shape {'x'.join(str(d) for d in originalShape)}\n") f.write("element vertex {}\n".format(n)) f.write("property double x\nproperty double y\nproperty double z\n") if referenceImage is None: f.write("end_header\n") for x,y,z in points3D: f.write("{:.{p}f} {:.{p}f} {:.{p}f}\n".format(x, y, z, p=precision)) else: if referenceImage.size == points3D.size: # Assuming BGR image (OpenCV compatible) (3 color values) f.write("property uchar red\nproperty uchar green\nproperty uchar blue\n") f.write("end_header\n") referenceImage = referenceImage.reshape(-1,3) for i in range(n): # Precision limited to p decimal places. f.write("{:.{p}f} {:.{p}f} {:.{p}f} {:d} {:d} {:d}\n".format( points3D[i,0], points3D[i,1], points3D[i,2], referenceImage[i,2], referenceImage[i,1], referenceImage[i,0], p=precision)) # Invert BGR to RGB else: # Assuming grayscale image (1 color value) referenceImage = np.ravel(referenceImage) # If intensity values are integers if np.issubdtype(referenceImage.dtype, np.integer): f.write("property int intensity\n") f.write("end_header\n") for i in range(n): # Precision limited to p decimal places. f.write("{:.{p}f} {:.{p}f} {:.{p}f} {:d}\n".format( points3D[i,0], points3D[i,1], points3D[i,2], referenceImage[i], p=precision)) # Grayscale # consider them as float else: f.write("property float intensity\n") f.write("end_header\n") for i in range(n): # Precision limited to p decimal places. f.write("{:.{p}f} {:.{p}f} {:.{p}f} {:{p}f}\n".format( points3D[i,0], points3D[i,1], points3D[i,2], referenceImage[i], p=precision)) # Grayscale
[docs] def importPLY(filename, *properties): """ Import 3D coordinates from PLY file. Parameters ---------- filename : str PLY file path. *properties : argument list, optional Property column positions to be extracted as `float`, in the same order. Default to (0,1,2). Returns ------- numpy.ndarray Array of data values with shape (number of values, number of properties). .. todo:: Automatically read PLY properties as `dict`. Manage values other than `float`. """ if not properties: properties = (0,1,2) with open(filename, "r") as f: i=0 for line in f: i+=1 if line.rstrip().lower() == "end_header": break points = [] for line in f: prop = line.split(' ') points.append([ float(prop[x]) for x in properties ]) return np.asarray(points, dtype=float)
[docs] def getAdimensional3DPoints(disparityMap): """ Get adimensional 3D points from the disparity map. This is the adimensional version of `RectifiedStereoRig.get3DPoints()`. Useful to reconstruct non-metric 3D models from any disparity map when the stereo rig object is not known. It may lead to incorrect proportions. Parameters ---------- disparityMap : numpy.ndarray A dense disparity map having same height and width of images. Returns ------- numpy.ndarray Array of points having shape *(height,width,3)*, where at each y,x coordinates a *(x,y,z)* point is associated. See Also -------- :meth:`simplestereo.RectifiedStereoRig.get3DPoints` """ height, width = disparityMap.shape[:2] b = 1 fx = width fy = width cx1 = width/2 cx2 = width/2 a1 = 0 a2 = 0 cy = height/2 Q = np.eye(4, dtype='float64') Q[0,1] = -a1/fy Q[0,3] = a1*cy/fy - cx1 Q[1,1] = fx/fy Q[1,3] = -cy*fx/fy Q[2,2] = 0 Q[2,3] = -fx Q[3,1] = (a2-a1)/(fy*b) Q[3,2] = 1/b Q[3,3] = ((a1-a2)*cy+(cx2-cx1)*fy)/(fy*b) return cv2.reprojectImageTo3D(disparityMap, Q)
[docs] def distortPoints(points, distCoeff): ''' Undistort relative coordinate points. Parameters ---------- points : list List of lists (or tuples) of x,y points in relative coordinates (already multiplied by the inverse intrinsic matrix and undistorted). distCoeff : list List of 4, 5 or 8 elements (see OpenCV). Returns ------- list List of lists of distorted x,y points in relative coordinates .. todo:: To be extended for (k1,k2,p1,p2[,k3[,k4,k5,k6[,s1,s2,s3,s4[,τx,τy]]]]) vector of >8 elements. To use numpy. ''' distCoeff = list(np.array(distCoeff).flatten()) nCoeff = len(distCoeff) if not nCoeff in [4,5,8]: raise ValueError(f"distCoeff is not in a valid format! (length {nCoeff} unexpected)") k1,k2,p1,p2,k3,k4,k5,k6 = distCoeff + [0] * (8 - len(distCoeff)) distPoints = [] for p in points: x = p[0][0] y = p[0][1] r2 = x**2 + y**2 xd = x*(1 + k1*r2 + k2*r2**2 + k3*r2**3 + k4*r2**4 + k5*r2**5 + k6*r2**6) + 2*p1*x*y + p2*(r2 + 2*x**2) yd = y*(1 + k1*r2 + k2*r2**2 + k3*r2**3 + k4*r2**4 + k5*r2**5 + k6*r2**6) + p1*(r2 + 2*y**2) + 2*p2*x*y distPoints.append([(xd,yd)]) return np.array(distPoints)