Source code for

Contains classes to manage active stereo algorithms and helper
This module contains both conventional active stereo (2 cameras +
projector) and structured-light (1 camera + projector) methods.
import os
import math

import numpy as np
import cv2
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d
from scipy.ndimage import map_coordinates
import matplotlib                   # Temporary fix to avoid
matplotlib.use('TkAgg')             # segmentation fault error
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

import simplestereo as ss

[docs] def generateGrayCodeImgs(targetDir, resolution): """ Generate Gray Codes and save it to PNG images. Starts from the couple of images *0.png* and *1.png* (one is the inverse of the other). Then 2.png is coupled with 3.png and so on. First half contains vertical stripes, followed by horizontal ones. The function stores also a *black.png* and *white.png* images for threshold calibration. Parameters ---------- targetDir : string Path to the directory where to save Gray codes. Directory is created if not exists. resolution : tuple Pixel dimensions of the images as (width, height) tuple (to be matched with projector resolution). Returns ------- int Number of generated patterns (black and white are *not* considered in this count). """ width, height = resolution graycode = cv2.structured_light_GrayCodePattern.create(width, height) num_patterns = graycode.getNumberOfPatternImages() # Surely an even number # Generate patterns exp_patterns = graycode.generate()[1] if not os.path.exists(targetDir): os.mkdir(targetDir) # Save images to chosen directory for i in range(num_patterns): cv2.imwrite(os.path.join(targetDir, str(i) + '.png'), exp_patterns[i]) # Additionally save black and white images (not counted in return value) cv2.imwrite( os.path.join(targetDir,'black.png'), (np.zeros((height, width), np.uint8)) ) cv2.imwrite( os.path.join(targetDir,'white.png'), (np.full((height, width), 255, np.uint8)) ) return num_patterns
def _getCentralPeak(length, period, shift=0): """ Get maximum intensity pixel position in a fringe with central stripe built from :func:``. Parameters ---------- length : int Resolution along the axis. period : float Fringe period along the same axis. shift : float, optional Consider the shift used in the cosine function. Default to 0. """ k = (length/2)//period return period*(k - shift/(2*np.pi))
[docs] def buildFringe(period, shift=0, dims=(1280,720), vertical=False, stripeColor=None, dtype=np.uint8): """ Build sinusoidal fringe image. Parameters ---------- period : float Fringe period along x axis, in pixels. shift : float, optional Shift to apply. Default to 0. dims : tuple, optional Image dimensions as (width, height). Default to (1280,720). vertical : bool, optional If True, fringe is build along vertical. Default to False (horizontal). stripeColor : str, optional Color of the stripe chosen from 'blue','green' or 'red'. Also 'b', 'g', 'r' are accepted. Default to None (no stripe drawn). dtype: numpy.dtype Image is scaled in the range 0 - max value to match `dtype`. Default np.uint8 (max 255). Returns ------- numpy.ndarray Fringe image. """ if vertical is True: dims = (dims[1], dims[0]) # Swap dimensions row = ((1 + np.cos(2*np.pi*(1/period)*(np.arange(dims[0], dtype=float) + shift)))/2)[np.newaxis,:] # If output is integer, use its max value as amplitude if np.dtype(dtype).char in np.typecodes['AllInteger']: row *= np.iinfo(dtype).max if stripeColor is not None: row = np.repeat(row[:, :, np.newaxis], 3, axis=2) peak = _getCentralPeak(dims[0], period, shift) left = int(peak - period/2) right = int(left+period) # Leave the only relevant color and set other channels to 0 if stripeColor == 'r' or stripeColor=='red': row[0, left:right, :2] = 0 elif stripeColor == 'g' or stripeColor=='green': row[0, left:right, 0] = 0 row[0, left:right, 2] = 0 elif stripeColor == 'b' or stripeColor=='blue': row[0, left:right, 1:] = 0 else: raise ValueError("stripeColor value not permitted!") fullFringe = np.repeat(row.astype(dtype), dims[1], axis=0) if vertical is True: # Left->Right becomes Top->Bottom fullFringe = np.rot90(fullFringe, k=3, axes=(0,1)) return fullFringe
[docs] def buildBinaryFringe(period=10, shift=0, dims=(1280,720), vertical=False, stripeColor=None, dtype=np.uint8): """ Build binary fringe image. Parameters ---------- period : int Fringe period along x axis, in pixels. An integer is expected. If a float is passed, it will be converted to integer. shift : float Shift to apply. Default to 0. dims : tuple Image dimensions as (width, height). vertical : bool If True, fringe is build along vertical. Default to False (horizontal fringe direction). stripeColor : str, optional Color of the stripe chosen from 'blue','green' or 'red'. Also 'b', 'g', 'r' are accepted. Default to None (no stripe drawn). dtype: numpy.dtype Image is scaled in the range 0 - max value to match `dtype`. Default np.uint8 (max 255). Returns ------- numpy.ndarray Fringe image. """ if vertical is True: dims = (dims[1], dims[0]) # Swap dimensions # Binarise row = np.ones(int(period),dtype=float) row[period//4:period//2 + period//4] = 0 row = np.resize(row, (1,dims[0])) row *= np.iinfo(dtype).max if stripeColor is not None: row = np.repeat(row[:, :, np.newaxis], 3, axis=2) peak = _getCentralPeak(dims[0], period, shift) left = int(peak - period/2) right = int(left+period) # Leave the only relevant color and set other channels to 0 if stripeColor == 'r' or stripeColor=='red': row[0, left:right, :2] = 0 elif stripeColor == 'g' or stripeColor=='green': row[0, left:right, 0] = 0 row[0, left:right, 2] = 0 elif stripeColor == 'b' or stripeColor=='blue': row[0, left:right, 1:] = 0 else: raise ValueError("stripeColor value not permitted!") fullFringe = np.repeat(row.astype(dtype), dims[1], axis=0) if vertical is True: # Left->Right becomes Top->Bottom fullFringe = np.rot90(fullFringe, k=3, axes=(0,1)) return fullFringe
[docs] def buildAnaglyphFringe(period=10, shift=0, dims=(1280,720), vertical=False, dtype=np.uint8): """ Build sinusoidal anaglyph fringe image. Assumes BGR images, using blue and red as complementary colors and green as central stripe. This allows to actually extract three different images from a single scan. Red and blue can be subtracted to suppress DC component. Green serves the purpose to obtain a reference phase in the FTP algorithm. Parameters ---------- period : float Fringe period along x axis, in pixels. shift : float Shift to apply. Default to 0. dims : tuple Image dimensions as (width, height). vertical : bool If True, fringe is build along vertical. Default to False (horizontal). dtype: numpy.dtype Image is scaled in the range 0 - max value to match `dtype`. Default np.uint8 (max 255). Returns ------- numpy.ndarray Fringe image. """ if vertical is True: dims = (dims[1], dims[0]) # Swap dimensions # Red and blue shifted by pi rowR = np.iinfo(dtype).max * ((1 + np.cos(2*np.pi*(1/period)*(np.arange(dims[0], dtype=float) + shift)))/2)[np.newaxis,:] rowB = np.iinfo(dtype).max * ((1 + np.cos(2*np.pi*(1/period)*(np.arange(dims[0], dtype=float) + shift) + np.pi))/2)[np.newaxis,:] # Green central peak peak = _getCentralPeak(dims[0], period, shift) left = int(peak - period/2) right = int(left+period) rowG = np.zeros_like(rowR) rowG[0, left:right] = rowR[0, left:right] # Stack as BGR row row = np.stack((rowB,rowG,rowR), axis=2) # Repeat and cast to type fullFringe = np.repeat(row.astype(dtype), dims[1], axis=0) if vertical is True: # Left->Right becomes Top->Bottom fullFringe = np.rot90(fullFringe, k=3, axes=(0,1)) return fullFringe
[docs] def findCentralStripe(image, color='r', sensitivity=0.5, interpolation='linear'): """ Find coordinates of a colored stripe in the image. Search is done with subpixel accuracy only along the x-axis direction. Parameters ---------- image : numpy.ndarray BGR image with a colored vertical stripe. color : str, optional Color of the original stripe as 'blue','green' or 'red'. Also 'b', 'g', 'r' are accepted. Default to 'red'. sensitivity : float, optional Sensitivity for color matching in [0,1]. Default to 0.5. interpolation : str See `scipy.interpolate.interp1d` `kind` parameter. Returns ------- numpy.ndarray x,y coordinates of stripe centers with shape (n,2). .. note:: The search is done along a single dimension, the x-axis. Missing values are filled with nearest-value interpolation. """ if not (sensitivity >= 0 and sensitivity <= 1): raise ValueError("Threshold must be in the interval [0,1]!") h, w = image.shape[:2] maxValue = np.iinfo(image.dtype).max # Reduce BGR image to the relevant channel if color == 'r' or color=='red': fringe = image[:,:,2].copy() elif color == 'g' or color=='green': fringe = image[:,:,1].copy() elif color == 'b' or color=='blue': fringe = image[:,:,0].copy() else: raise ValueError("Color value not permitted!") lower_color_bound = maxValue*sensitivity fringe[fringe < lower_color_bound] = 0 def getCenters(img, axis=0): # Weighted average of color values n = img.shape[axis] s = [1] * img.ndim s[axis] = -1 i = np.arange(n).reshape(s) with np.errstate(divide='ignore',invalid='ignore'): # Some NaN expected out = np.sum(img * i, axis=axis) / np.sum(img, axis=axis) return out x = getCenters(fringe, axis=1) if np.isnan(x).all(): # Line not found return None y = np.arange(0.5, h, 1) # Consider pixel center, as first is in y=0.5 mask = ~np.isnan(x) # Remove coords with NaN f = interp1d(y[mask], x[mask], kind=interpolation, fill_value="extrapolate") # Interpolate x = f(y) return np.vstack((x, y)).T
######################################## ###### (c) Pasquale Lafiosca 2020 ###### ########################################
[docs] class StereoFTP: """ Manager of the Stereo Fourier Transform Profilometry. Parameters ---------- stereoRig : StereoRig A stereo rig object with camera in position 1 (world origin) and projector in position 2. fringeDims : tuple Dimensions of projector image as (width, height). period : float Period of the fringe (in pixels). stripeColor : str, optional BGR color used for the central stripe to be chosen among "blue", "green" or "red". Also "b", "g", "r" accepted. Default to "red". stripeSensitivity : float, optional Sensitivity to find the stripe. See :func:`findCentralStripe()`. .. note:: Working details in the paper Pasquale Lafiosca et al., "Automated Aircraft Dent Inspection via a Modified Fourier Transform Profilometry Algorithm", Sensors, 2022, """ def __init__(self, stereoRig, fringe, period, shift=0, stripeColor='red', stripeSensitivity=0.5): self.stereoRig = stereoRig self.fringe = self.convertGrayscale(fringe) self.fringeDims = fringe.shape[:2][::-1] # (width, height) self.fp = 1/period self.stripeColor = stripeColor self.stripeSensitivity = stripeSensitivity self.stripeCentralPeak = _getCentralPeak(self.fringeDims[0], period, shift) self.F = self.stereoRig.getFundamentalMatrix() self.Rectify1, self.Rectify2, commonR = ss.rectification._lowLevelRectify(stereoRig) ### Get epipole on projector # Project camera position (0,0,0) onto projector image plane. ep = self.ep = ep/ep[2] ### Get inverse common orientation and extend to 4x4 transform R_inv = np.linalg.inv(commonR) R_inv = np.hstack( ( np.vstack( (R_inv,np.zeros((1,3))) ), np.zeros((4,1)) ) ) R_inv[3,3] = 1 self.R_inv = R_inv
[docs] @staticmethod def convertGrayscale(img): """ Convert to grayscale using max. This keeps highest BGR value over the central stripe (e.g. (0,0,255) -> 255), allowing the FFT to work properly. Parameters ---------- image : numpy.ndarray BGR image. Returns ------- numpy.ndarray Grayscale image. .. todo:: Gamma correction may be implemented as a parameter. .. note:: I've tried different approaches, but the simple `max` works best at converting the stripe to white. """ return np.max(img,axis=2)
def _getProjectorMapping(self, z, interpolation = cv2.INTER_CUBIC): """ Find projector image points corresponding to each camera pixel after projection on reference plane to build coordinates and virtual reference image (as seen from camera) Points are processed and returned in row-major order. The center of each pixel is considered as point. Parameters ---------- z : float Desidered distance of the reference plane from the camera. interpolation : int See OpenCV interpolation constants. Default to `cv2.INTER_CUBIC`. Returns ------- Matrix of points with same width and height of camera resolution. .. note:: Corresponding points on reference plane do not vary. They have to be calculated only during initialization considering the chosen reference plane. """ w, h = self.stereoRig.res1 invAc = np.linalg.inv(self.stereoRig.intrinsic1) # Build grid of x,y coordinates grid = np.mgrid[0:w,0:h].T.reshape(-1,1,2).astype(np.float64) # Consider center of pixel: it can be thought as # the center of the light beam entering the camera # Experiments showed that this is needed for projCoords # but *not* for the virtual reference image # (depends on how cv2.remap works, integer indexes # of original images are used) doubleGrid = np.vstack((grid+0.5, grid)) doubleGrid = np.append(doubleGrid, np.ones((w*h*2,1,1), dtype=np.float64), axis=2) # For *both* grids # de-project from camera to reference plane # and project on projector's image plane. # 1st half: To get exact projector coordinates from camera x,y coordinates (center of pixel) # 2d half: To build a virtual reference image (using *integer* pixel coordinates) pp, _ = cv2.projectPoints(doubleGrid, z*(self.stereoRig.R).dot(invAc), self.stereoRig.T, self.stereoRig.intrinsic2, self.stereoRig.distCoeffs2) # Separate the two grids pointsA = pp[h*w:] # 1st half projCoords = pp[:h*w].reshape(h,w,2) # 2nd half mapx = ( pointsA[:,0,0] ).reshape(h,w).astype(np.float32) mapy = ( pointsA[:,0,1] ).reshape(h,w).astype(np.float32) virtualReferenceImg = cv2.remap(self.fringe, mapx, mapy, interpolation); return projCoords, virtualReferenceImg def _calculateCameraFrequency(self, objPoints): """ Estimate fc from system geometry, fp and object points value. Draw a plane at given z distance in front of the camera. Find period size on it and project that size on camera. """ Ac = self.stereoRig.intrinsic1 Dc = self.stereoRig.distCoeffs1 Ap = self.stereoRig.intrinsic2 R = self.stereoRig.R T = self.stereoRig.T Dp = self.stereoRig.distCoeffs2 Op = (-np.linalg.inv(R).dot(T)).flatten() #ObjCenter = np.array([[[0],[0],[z]]], dtype=np.float32) objPoints = objPoints.reshape(-1,1,3).astype(np.float32) n = objPoints.shape[0] # Send center of reference plane to projector pCenter, _ = cv2.projectPoints(objPoints, R, T, self.stereoRig.intrinsic2, self.stereoRig.distCoeffs2) # Now we are in the projected image # Perfect fringe pattern. No distortion # Find two points at distance Tp (period on projector) halfPeriodP = (1/self.fp)/2 leftX = pCenter[:,0,0] - halfPeriodP rightX = pCenter[:,0,0] + halfPeriodP points = np.vstack( ( np.hstack((leftX.reshape(-1,1), pCenter[:,0,1].reshape(-1,1))), np.hstack((rightX.reshape(-1,1), pCenter[:,0,1].reshape(-1,1))) ) ) points = points.reshape(-1,1,2) # Shape (2, 1, 2) ### Deproject on world plane # Un-distort points for the projector means to distort # as the pinhole camera model is made for cameras # and we are projecting back to 3D world distortedPoints = cv2.undistortPoints(points, Ap, Dp, P=Ap) # Shape (2, 1, 2) # De-project in homogeneous coordinates at known world z # s * pp = Ap[R | T] * [pw 1].T invARp = np.linalg.inv( pp = np.hstack( ( distortedPoints.reshape(-1,2), np.ones((2*n,1), dtype=objPoints.dtype) ) ) # Shape (2, 3) z = np.tile(objPoints[:,0,2].reshape(-1,1), (2,1)) # Shape (2, 1) h = ( # Shape (2n, 3) s = (z - Op[2])/h[:,[2]] # Shape (2n, ) pw = s * h + Op.reshape(1,3) # Project on camera image plane (also applying lens distortion). # b points are seen by the camera (from world origin) pc, _ = cv2.projectPoints(pw.reshape(-1,1,3), np.eye(3), np.zeros((3,1)), Ac, Dc) # Shape (2n, 1, 2) pc = pc.reshape(-1, 2) a = pc[:n] b = pc[n:] # Now we have couples of 2 points on the camera that differ # exactly one projector period from each other # as seen by the camera # Use the first Euclid theorem to get the effective period Tc = ((a[:,0] - b[:,0])**2 + (a[:,1] - b[:,1])**2)/np.abs(a[:,0]-b[:,0]) # Return frequency return 1/Tc def _triangulate(self, camPoints, p_x, roi): """ For each camera undistorted point (c_x, c_y) and corresponding projector x-value p_x, find 3D point using Fundamental matrix. """ camPoints = camPoints.reshape(-1,2) n = camPoints.shape[0] camPoints[:,0] += roi[0] # Add coordinate x shift camPoints[:,1] += roi[1] # Add coordinate y shift ones = np.ones((n,1), dtype=camPoints.dtype) epipolarLinesP = np.hstack( (camPoints, ones) ).dot(self.F.T) # Shape (n, 3) #ones = np.ones((1,n), dtype=camPoints.dtype) #epipolarLinesP = np.vstack((camPoints.T, ones)) ) # Shape (3, n) #epipolarLinesP = epipolarLinesP.T # Shape (n, 3) # Get p_y values if np.isscalar(p_x): p_x = np.full((n,), p_x, dtype=camPoints.dtype) p_x = p_x.flatten() p_y = -(epipolarLinesP[:,0]*p_x + epipolarLinesP[:,2])/epipolarLinesP[:,1] p_y = p_y.reshape(-1,1) projPoints = np.hstack((p_x.reshape(-1,1), p_y)) # Shape (n, 2) ### Triangulate # Apply rectification to cam (already undistorted) pc = cv2.perspectiveTransform(camPoints.reshape(-1,1,2), self.Rectify1) # Apply lens correction to projector and rectify Ap = self.stereoRig.intrinsic2 Dp = self.stereoRig.distCoeffs2 pp = cv2.undistortPoints(projPoints.reshape(-1,1,2), Ap, Dp, P=Ap) pp = cv2.perspectiveTransform(pp, self.Rectify2) disparity = np.abs(pp[:,0,[0]] - pc[:,0,[0]]) pc = np.hstack( (pc.reshape(-1,2), np.ones((n,1), dtype=camPoints.dtype)) ) # Shape (n, 3) pw = self.stereoRig.getBaseline()*(pc/disparity) # Shape (n, 3) pw = cv2.perspectiveTransform(pw.reshape(-1,1,3), self.R_inv) return pw.reshape(-1,3)
[docs] def getCloud(self, imgObj, radius_factor=0.5, roi=None, unwrappingMethod=None, plot=False): """ Process an image and get the point cloud. Parameters ---------- imgObj : numpy.ndarray BGR image acquired by the camera. radius_factor : float, optional Radius factor of the pass-band filter. Default to 0.5. roi : tuple, optional Region of interest in the format (x,y,width,height) where x,y is the upper left corner. Default to None. unwrappingMethod : function, optional Pointer to chosen unwrapping function. It must take the phase as the only argument. If None (default), `np.unwrap`is used. Returns ------- Point cloud with shape (height,width,3), with height and width same as the input image or selected `roi`. """ # Check that is a color image if imgObj.ndim != 3: raise ValueError("image must be a BGR color image!") widthC, heightC = self.stereoRig.res1 # Camera resolution # Undistort camera image imgObj = cv2.undistort(imgObj, self.stereoRig.intrinsic1, self.stereoRig.distCoeffs1) if roi is not None: # Cut image to given roi roi_x, roi_y, roi_w, roi_h = roi imgObj = imgObj[roi_y:roi_y+roi_h,roi_x:roi_x+roi_w] else: roi = (0, 0, widthC, heightC) roi_x, roi_y, roi_w, roi_h = roi ### Estimate camera carrier frequency fc # Find central stripe on camera image stripe_cam =, self.stripeColor, self.stripeSensitivity) if stripe_cam is None: raise ValueError("Central stripe not found in image!") stripe_cam = stripe_cam.reshape(-1,2) # x, y camera points (already undistorted) # Find integer indexes of stripe on camera (round half down) #cam_indexes = np.ceil(objStripe-0.5).astype( # As (x,y) # Use undistorted values stripe_indexes = np.ceil(stripe_cam-0.5).astype( # As (x,y) ### Find world points corresponding to stripe stripe_world = self._triangulate(stripe_cam, self.stripeCentralPeak, roi) #return stripe_world ### Find z to build virtual reference plane z_plane = np.mean(stripe_world[:,2]) # For each point (= for each row) estimate fc fc = self._calculateCameraFrequency(stripe_world) ### Get projector mapping projCoords, imgR_gray = self._getProjectorMapping(z_plane) imgR_gray = imgR_gray[roi_y:roi_y+roi_h,roi_x:roi_x+roi_w] projCoords = projCoords[roi_y:roi_y+roi_h,roi_x:roi_x+roi_w] # Preprocess image for phase analysis imgObj_gray = self.convertGrayscale(imgObj) # FFT G0 = np.fft.fft(imgR_gray, axis=1) # FFT on x dimension G = np.fft.fft(imgObj_gray, axis=1) freqs = np.fft.fftfreq(roi_w) # Pass-band filter parameters radius = radius_factor*fc fmin = fc - radius fmax = fc + radius if plot: cv2.namedWindow('Virtual reference',cv2.WINDOW_NORMAL) cv2.namedWindow('Object',cv2.WINDOW_NORMAL) cv2.imshow("Virtual reference", imgR_gray) cv2.imshow("Object", imgObj) print("Press a key over the images to continue...") cv2.waitKey(0) cv2.destroyAllWindows() # Get discrete indexes of frequencies fIndex = min(range(len(freqs)), key=lambda i: abs(freqs[i]-fc[roi_h//2])) fminIndex = min(range(len(freqs)), key=lambda i: abs(freqs[i]-fmin[roi_h//2])) fmaxIndex = min(range(len(freqs)), key=lambda i: abs(freqs[i]-fmax[roi_h//2])) plt.suptitle("Middle row FFT module") # Show module of FFTs plt.plot(freqs[:roi_w//2], np.absolute(G0[roi_h//2-1,:roi_w//2]), label="|G0|", linestyle='--', color='red') plt.plot(freqs[:roi_w//2], np.absolute(G[roi_h//2-1,:roi_w//2]), label="|G|", linestyle='-', color='blue') # Show filtered band plt.axvline(x=freqs[fIndex], linestyle='-', color='black') plt.axvline(x=freqs[fminIndex], linestyle='dotted', color='black') plt.axvline(x=freqs[fmaxIndex], linestyle='dotted', color='black') plt.title(f"fc={fc[roi_h//2]}", size="small") plt.legend() plt.close() # Phase filtering mask_low = (freqs.reshape(1,-1) - fmin.reshape(-1,1)) < 0 mask_high = (freqs.reshape(1,-1) - fmax.reshape(-1,1)) > 0 G[ mask_low ] = 0 G[ mask_high ] = 0 G0[ mask_low ] = 0 G0[ mask_high ] = 0 # Inverse FFT g0hat = np.fft.ifft(G0,axis=1) ghat = np.fft.ifft(G,axis=1) # Show filtered object image #tmp = ghat.real #cv2.imshow("TEMP OBJ FILTERED", (tmp-np.min(tmp))/np.ptp(tmp)) #cv2.waitKey(0) # Build the new signal and get its phase # NB Numerically this is not equivalent to the phase difference. # newSignal = ghat * np.conjugate(g0hat) phase = np.angle(newSignal) if unwrappingMethod is None: # Unwrap along the direction perpendicular to the fringe phaseUnwrapped = np.unwrap(phase, discont=np.pi, axis=1) # And remove jumps along other direction phaseUnwrapped = np.unwrap(phaseUnwrapped, discont=np.pi, axis=0) else: phaseUnwrapped = unwrappingMethod(phase) if plot: plt.title("Middle row unwrapped phase") plt.plot(np.arange(roi_w), phase[roi_h//2-1,:], label="Phase shift", linestyle='-.', color='red') plt.plot(np.arange(roi_w), phaseUnwrapped[roi_h//2-1,:], label="Unwrapped phase shift", linestyle='-', color='blue') plt.xlabel("Pixel position", fontsize=20) plt.ylabel("Phase", fontsize=20) plt.legend(fontsize=12) plt.close() ### Lazy shortcut for many values Ac = self.stereoRig.intrinsic1 Dc = self.stereoRig.distCoeffs1 Ap = self.stereoRig.intrinsic2 R = self.stereoRig.R T = self.stereoRig.T Dp = self.stereoRig.distCoeffs2 ep = self.ep ### Find k values from central stripe ''' # Calculate absolute phase shift [S. Zhang 2006 Novel method...] theta_shift = phaseUnwrapped[cam_indexes[:,1],cam_indexes[:,0]] theta_shift = np.mean(theta_shift) phaseUnwrapped = phaseUnwrapped - theta_shift phaseUnwrapped = phaseUnwrapped.reshape(-1,1) ''' # Alternative and more accurate method: we know k is an integer! # Finding and rounding k we reduce numerical errors. theta = phaseUnwrapped[stripe_indexes[:,1],stripe_indexes[:,0]] # Phase values at stripe locations u_A = projCoords[stripe_indexes[:,1],stripe_indexes[:,0]][:,0] # Stripe over reference as seen from projector # absolutePhase = knownPhase + phaseShift + 2 * k * pi # On projector image plane: # 2*pi*f_p * stripeCentralPeak = 2*pi*f_p * u_A + phaseShift + 2*k*pi # => (self.stripeCentralPeak - u_A) * 2 * pi * f_p = theta + 2 * k * pi # => k = (self.stripeCentralPeak - u_A) * self.fp - theta/(2*np.pi) k = np.mean(k) k = np.ceil(k-0.5) # Rounding to nearest integer # Adjust phase using k values phaseUnwrapped = phaseUnwrapped + k * 2 * np.pi phaseUnwrapped = phaseUnwrapped.reshape(-1,1) # Get A and B points in pixels on imgFringe Xa = projCoords[:,:,0].reshape(-1,1) Ya = projCoords[:,:,1].reshape(-1,1) Xh = Xa + phaseUnwrapped/(2*np.pi*self.fp) # Find y coord on epipolar line Yh = ( (Xh-ep[0])/(Xa-ep[0]) )*(Ya-ep[1]) + ep[1] # Desidered point is H(Xh,Yh) H = np.hstack((Xh,Yh)).reshape(-1,1,2).astype(np.float64) # *Apply* lens distortion to H. # A projector is considered as an inversed pinhole camera (and so are # the distortion coefficients) # H is on the original imgFringe. Passing through the projector lenses, # it gets distortion, so it does not coincide with real world point. # But we want rays going exactly towards world points. # Remove intrinsic, undistort and put same intrinsic back. H = cv2.undistortPoints(H, Ap, Dp, P=Ap) ### Triangulation # Build grid of indexes and apply rectification (undistorted camera points) pc = np.mgrid[0:widthC,0:heightC].T pc = pc[roi_y:roi_y+roi_h,roi_x:roi_x+roi_w].reshape(-1,1,2).astype(np.float64) # Consider pixel center (see also projCoords in self._getProjectorMapping) pc = pc + 0.5 pc = cv2.perspectiveTransform(pc, self.Rectify1).reshape(-1,2) # Apply rectification # Add ones as third coordinate pc = np.hstack( (pc,np.ones((roi_w*roi_h,1),dtype=np.float64)) ) # Apply rectification to projector points. # Rectify2 cancels the intrinsic and applies new rotation. # No new intrinsics here. pp = cv2.perspectiveTransform(H, self.Rectify2).reshape(-1,2) # Get world points disparity = np.abs(pp[:,[0]] - pc[:,[0]]) finalPoints = self.stereoRig.getBaseline()*(pc/disparity) # Cancel common orientation applied to first camera # to bring points into camera coordinate system finalPoints = cv2.perspectiveTransform(finalPoints.reshape(-1,1,3), self.R_inv) # Reshape as original image return finalPoints.reshape(roi_h,roi_w,3)
[docs] class StereoFTPAnaglyph(StereoFTP): """ Manager of the Stereo Fourier Transform Profilometry using an anaglyph pattern build with :func:`buildAnaglyphFringe`. Parameters ---------- stereoRig : StereoRig A stereo rig object with camera in position 1 (world origin) and projector in position 2. fringeDims : tuple Dimensions of projector image as (width, height). period : float Period of the fringe (in pixels). stripeColor : str, optional BGR color used for the central stripe to be chosen among "blue", "green" or "red". Also "b", "g", "r" accepted. Default to "red". stripeSensitivity : float, optional Sensitivity to find the stripe. See :func:`findCentralStripe()`. .. note:: This is a work in progress. """
[docs] @staticmethod def convertGrayscale(img): """ Convert to grayscale using Guo et al., "Improved fourier transform profilometry for the automatic measurement of 3D object shapes", 1990. Parameters ---------- image : numpy.ndarray BGR image. Returns ------- numpy.ndarray Grayscale image as float. .. todo:: Gamma correction may be implemented as a parameter. """ img = img[:,:,0].astype(float) - img[:,:,2].astype(float) img = (img - np.min(img))/np.ptp(img) return img
[docs] def getCloud(self, imgObj, radius_factor=0.5, roi=None, unwrappingMethod=None, plot=False): """ Process an anaglyph image and get the point cloud. The pattern expected to be projected on the object is the one produced by `:func:buildAnaglyphFringe`. Parameters ---------- imgObj : numpy.ndarray BGR image acquired by the camera. radius_factor : float, optional Radius factor of the pass-band filter. Default to 0.5. roi : tuple, optional Region of interest in the format (x,y,width,height) where x,y is the upper left corner. Default to None. unwrappingMethod : function, optional Pointer to chosen unwrapping function. It must take the phase as the only argument. If None (default), `np.unwrap`is used. Returns ------- Point cloud with shape (height,width,3), with height and width same as the input image or selected `roi`. """ # Check that is a color image if imgObj.ndim != 3: raise ValueError("image must be a BGR color image!") widthC, heightC = self.stereoRig.res1 # Camera resolution # Undistort camera image imgObj = cv2.undistort(imgObj, self.stereoRig.intrinsic1, self.stereoRig.distCoeffs1) if roi is not None: # Cut image to given roi roi_x, roi_y, roi_w, roi_h = roi imgObj = imgObj[roi_y:roi_y+roi_h,roi_x:roi_x+roi_w] else: roi = (0,0,widthC,heightC) roi_x, roi_y, roi_w, roi_h = roi ### Estimate camera carrier frequency fc stripe_cam =, self.stripeColor, self.stripeSensitivity) if stripe_cam is None: raise ValueError("Central stripe not found in image!") stripe_cam = stripe_cam.reshape(-1,2) # x, y camera points (already undistorted) # Find integer indexes of stripe on camera (round half down) #cam_indexes = np.ceil(objStripe-0.5).astype( # As (x,y) # Use undistorted values stripe_indexes = np.ceil(stripe_cam-0.5).astype( # As (x,y) ### Find world points corresponding to stripe stripe_world = self._triangulate(stripe_cam, self.stripeCentralPeak, roi) #return stripe_world ### Find z to build virtual reference plane z_plane = np.mean(stripe_world[:,2]) # For each point (= for each row) estimate fc fc = self._calculateCameraFrequency(stripe_world) ### Get projector mapping projCoords, imgR_gray = self._getProjectorMapping(z_plane) imgR_gray = imgR_gray[roi_y:roi_y+roi_h,roi_x:roi_x+roi_w] projCoords = projCoords[roi_y:roi_y+roi_h,roi_x:roi_x+roi_w] # Preprocess image for phase analysis # following " Improved fourier transform profilometry for the # automatic measurement of 3D object shapes", Guo et al. 1990 imgObj_gray = self.convertGrayscale(imgObj) # FFT G0 = np.fft.fft(imgR_gray, axis=1) # FFT on x dimension G = np.fft.fft(imgObj_gray, axis=1) freqs = np.fft.fftfreq(roi_w) # Pass-band filter parameters radius = radius_factor*fc fmin = fc - radius fmax = fc + radius if plot: cv2.namedWindow('Virtual reference',cv2.WINDOW_NORMAL) cv2.namedWindow('Object',cv2.WINDOW_NORMAL) cv2.imshow("Virtual reference", (imgR_gray-np.min(imgR_gray))/np.ptp(imgR_gray)) cv2.imshow("Object", imgObj) print("Press a key over the images to continue...") cv2.waitKey(0) cv2.destroyAllWindows() # Get discrete indexes of frequencies fIndex = min(range(len(freqs)), key=lambda i: abs(freqs[i]-fc[roi_h//2])) fminIndex = min(range(len(freqs)), key=lambda i: abs(freqs[i]-fmin[roi_h//2])) fmaxIndex = min(range(len(freqs)), key=lambda i: abs(freqs[i]-fmax[roi_h//2])) plt.suptitle("Middle row FFT module") # Show module of FFTs plt.plot(freqs[:roi_w//2], np.absolute(G0[roi_h//2-1,:roi_w//2]), label="|G0|", linestyle='--', color='red') plt.plot(freqs[:roi_w//2], np.absolute(G[roi_h//2-1,:roi_w//2]), label="|G|", linestyle='-', color='blue') # Show filtered band plt.axvline(x=freqs[fIndex], linestyle='-', color='black') plt.axvline(x=freqs[fminIndex], linestyle='dotted', color='black') plt.axvline(x=freqs[fmaxIndex], linestyle='dotted', color='black') plt.title(f"fc={fc[roi_h//2]}", size="small") plt.legend() plt.close() # Phase filtering mask_low = (freqs.reshape(1,-1) - fmin.reshape(-1,1)) < 0 mask_high = (freqs.reshape(1,-1) - fmax.reshape(-1,1)) > 0 G[ mask_low ] = 0 G[ mask_high ] = 0 G0[ mask_low ] = 0 G0[ mask_high ] = 0 # Inverse FFT g0hat = np.fft.ifft(G0, axis=1) ghat = np.fft.ifft(G, axis=1) # Build the new signal and get its phase # NB Numerically this is not equivalent to the phase difference. # newSignal = ghat * np.conjugate(g0hat) phase = np.angle(newSignal) if unwrappingMethod is None: # Unwrap along the direction perpendicular to the fringe phaseUnwrapped = np.unwrap(phase, discont=np.pi, axis=1) # And remove jumps along other direction phaseUnwrapped = np.unwrap(phaseUnwrapped, discont=np.pi, axis=0) else: phaseUnwrapped = unwrappingMethod(phase) if plot: plt.title("Middle row unwrapped phase") plt.plot(np.arange(roi_w), phase[roi_h//2-1,:], label="Phase shift", linestyle='-.', color='red') plt.plot(np.arange(roi_w), phaseUnwrapped[roi_h//2-1,:], label="Unwrapped phase shift", linestyle='-', color='blue') plt.xlabel("Pixel position", fontsize=20) plt.ylabel("Phase", fontsize=20) plt.legend(fontsize=12) plt.close() ### Lazy shortcut for many values Ac = self.stereoRig.intrinsic1 Dc = self.stereoRig.distCoeffs1 Ap = self.stereoRig.intrinsic2 R = self.stereoRig.R T = self.stereoRig.T Dp = self.stereoRig.distCoeffs2 ep = self.ep ### Find k values from central stripe ''' # Calculate absolute phase shift [S. Zhang 2006 Novel method...] theta_shift = phaseUnwrapped[cam_indexes[:,1],cam_indexes[:,0]] theta_shift = np.mean(theta_shift) phaseUnwrapped = phaseUnwrapped - theta_shift phaseUnwrapped = phaseUnwrapped.reshape(-1,1) ''' # Alternative and more accurate method: we know k is an integer! # Finding and rounding k we reduce numerical errors. theta = phaseUnwrapped[stripe_indexes[:,1],stripe_indexes[:,0]] # Phase values at stripe locations u_A = projCoords[stripe_indexes[:,1],stripe_indexes[:,0]][:,0] # Stripe over reference as seen from projector # absolutePhase = knownPhase + phaseShift + 2 * k * pi # On projector image plane: # 2*pi*f_p * stripeCentralPeak = 2*pi*f_p * u_A + phaseShift + 2*k*pi # => (self.stripeCentralPeak - u_A) * 2 * pi * f_p = theta + 2 * k * pi # => k = (self.stripeCentralPeak - u_A) * self.fp - theta/(2*np.pi) k = np.mean(k) k = np.ceil(k-0.5) # Rounding to nearest integer # Adjust phase using k values phaseUnwrapped = phaseUnwrapped + k * 2 * np.pi phaseUnwrapped = phaseUnwrapped.reshape(-1,1) # Get A and B points in pixels on imgFringe Xa = projCoords[:,:,0].reshape(-1,1) Ya = projCoords[:,:,1].reshape(-1,1) Xh = Xa + phaseUnwrapped/(2*np.pi*self.fp) # Find y coord on epipolar line Yh = ( (Xh-ep[0])/(Xa-ep[0]) )*(Ya-ep[1]) + ep[1] # Desidered point is H(Xh,Yh) H = np.hstack((Xh,Yh)).reshape(-1,1,2).astype(np.float64) # *Apply* lens distortion to H. # A projector is considered as an inversed pinhole camera (and so are # the distortion coefficients) # H is on the original imgFringe. Passing through the projector lenses, # it gets distortion, so it does not coincide with real world point. # But we want rays going exactly towards world points. # Remove intrinsic, undistort and put same intrinsic back. H = cv2.undistortPoints(H, Ap, Dp, P=Ap) ### Triangulation # Build grid of indexes and apply rectification (undistorted camera points) pc = np.mgrid[0:widthC,0:heightC].T pc = pc[roi_y:roi_y+roi_h,roi_x:roi_x+roi_w].reshape(-1,1,2).astype(np.float64) # Consider pixel center (see also projCoords in self._getProjectorMapping) pc = pc + 0.5 pc = cv2.perspectiveTransform(pc, self.Rectify1).reshape(-1,2) # Apply rectification # Add ones as third coordinate pc = np.hstack( (pc,np.ones((roi_w*roi_h,1),dtype=np.float64)) ) # Apply rectification to projector points. # Rectify2 cancels the intrinsic and applies new rotation. # No new intrinsics here. pp = cv2.perspectiveTransform(H, self.Rectify2).reshape(-1,2) # Get world points disparity = np.abs(pp[:,[0]] - pc[:,[0]]) finalPoints = self.stereoRig.getBaseline()*(pc/disparity) # Cancel common orientation applied to first camera # to bring points into camera coordinate system finalPoints = cv2.perspectiveTransform(finalPoints.reshape(-1,1,3), self.R_inv) # Reshape as original image return finalPoints.reshape(roi_h,roi_w,3)
[docs] class GrayCode: """ Wrapper for the Gray code method from OpenCV. Structured-light implementation using camera-projector calibrated rig. Parameters ---------- rig : StereoRig A stereo rig object with camera in position 1 (world origin) and projector in position 2. black_thr : int, optional Black threshold is a number between 0-255 that represents the minimum brightness difference required for valid pixels, between the fully illuminated (white) and the not illuminated images (black); used in computeShadowMasks method. Default to 40. white_thr : int, optional White threshold is a number between 0-255 that represents the minimum brightness difference required for valid pixels, between the graycode pattern and its inverse images; used in `getProjPixel` method. Default to 5. .. note:: Projector distortion may be unaccurate, especially along border. If this is the case, you can ignore it setting `rig.distCoeffs2 == None` before passing `rig` to the constructor or setting a narrow `roi`. """ def __init__(self, rig, black_thr=40, white_thr=5): self.rig = rig # Build graycode using projector resolution self.graycode = cv2.structured_light_GrayCodePattern.create(rig.res2[0], rig.res2[1]) self.graycode.setBlackThreshold(black_thr) self.graycode.setWhiteThreshold(white_thr) self.num_patterns = self.graycode.getNumberOfPatternImages() self.Rectify1, self.Rectify2, commonRotation = ss.rectification._lowLevelRectify(rig) # Get inverse common orientation and extend to 4x4 transform self.R_inv = np.linalg.inv(commonRotation) self.R_inv = np.hstack( ( np.vstack( (self.R_inv,np.zeros((1,3))) ), np.zeros((4,1)) ) ) self.R_inv[3,3] = 1
[docs] def getCloud(self, images, roi=None): """ Perform the 3D point calculation from a list of images. Parameters ---------- images : list or tuple A list of image *paths* acquired by the camera. Each set must be ordered like all the Gray code patterns (see `cv2.structured_light_GrayCodePattern`). Any following extra image will be ignored (es. full white). roi : tuple, optional Region of interest in the format (x,y,width,height) where x,y is the upper left corner. Default to None. Returns ------- numpy.ndarray Points with shape (n,1,3) .. todo:: Add possibility to return point cloud in same image/roi shape with NaN in invalid locations. """ widthC, heightC = self.rig.res1 # Camera resolution imgs = [] # Load images for fname in images[:self.num_patterns]: # Exclude any extra images (es. white, black) img = cv2.imread(fname, cv2.IMREAD_GRAYSCALE) if img.shape != (heightC,widthC): raise ValueError(f'Image size of {fname} is mismatch!') img = cv2.undistort(img, self.rig.intrinsic1, self.rig.distCoeffs1) imgs.append(img) pc = [] pp = [] if roi is not None: roi_x,roi_y,roi_w,roi_h = roi else: roi_x,roi_y,roi_w,roi_h = (0, 0, widthC, heightC) # Find corresponding points # Since we are jumping some points, there is no correspondence # with any BGR image used for color in the final PLY file. for y in range(roi_y,roi_h): for x in range(roi_x,roi_w): err, proj_pix = self.graycode.getProjPixel(imgs, x, y) if not err: pp.append(proj_pix) pc.append((x,y)) # Now we have solved the stereo correspondence problem. # To do triangulation easily, it is better to rectify. # Convert pc = np.asarray(pc).astype(np.float64).reshape(-1,1,2) pp = np.asarray(pp).astype(np.float64).reshape(-1,1,2) # Consider pixel center (negligible difference, anyway...) pc = pc + 0.5 pp = pp + 0.5 # *Apply* lens distortion to pp. # A projector is considered as an inversed pinhole camera (and so are # the distortion coefficients) # H is on the original imgFringe. Passing through the projector lenses, # it gets distortion, so it does not coincide with real world point. # But we want points to be an exact projection of the world points. # Remove intrinsic, undistort and put same intrinsic back. pp = cv2.undistortPoints(pp, self.rig.intrinsic2, self.rig.distCoeffs2, P=self.rig.intrinsic2) # Apply rectification pc = cv2.perspectiveTransform(pc, self.Rectify1).reshape(-1,2) pp = cv2.perspectiveTransform(pp, self.Rectify2).reshape(-1,2) # Add ones as third coordinate pc = np.hstack( (pc,np.ones((pc.shape[0],1),dtype=np.float64)) ) # Get world points disparity = np.abs(pp[:,[0]] - pc[:,[0]]) pw = self.rig.getBaseline()*(pc/disparity) # Cancel common orientation applied to first camera # to bring points into camera coordinate system finalPoints = cv2.perspectiveTransform(pw.reshape(-1,1,3), self.R_inv) return finalPoints
[docs] class StereoFTP_Mapping(StereoFTP): """ Manager of the classic Stereo Fourier Transform Profilometry. Classic method (does not use a virtual reference plane) but it does use the automatic band-pass estimation. Parameters ---------- stereoRig : StereoRig A stereo rig object with camera in position 1 (world origin) and projector in position 2. fringeDims : tuple Dimensions of projector image as (width, height). period : float Period of the fringe (in pixels). stripeColor : str, optional BGR color used for the central stripe to be chosen among "blue", "green" or "red". Also "b", "g", "r" accepted. Default to "red". stripeSensitivity : float, optional Sensitivity to find the stripe. See :func:`findCentralStripe()`. """
[docs] def getCloud(self, imgObj, radius_factor=0.5, roi=None, unwrappingMethod=None, plot=False): """ Process an image and get the point cloud. Parameters ---------- imgObj : numpy.ndarray BGR image acquired by the camera. radius_factor : float, optional Radius factor of the pass-band filter. Default to 0.5. roi : tuple, optional Region of interest in the format (x,y,width,height) where x,y is the upper left corner. Default to None. unwrappingMethod : function, optional Pointer to chosen unwrapping function. It must take the phase as the only argument. If None (default), `np.unwrap`is used. Returns ------- Point cloud with shape (height,width,3), with height and width same as the input image or selected `roi`. """ # Check that is a color image if imgObj.ndim != 3: raise ValueError("image must be a BGR color image!") widthC, heightC = self.stereoRig.res1 # Camera resolution # Undistort camera image imgObj = cv2.undistort(imgObj, self.stereoRig.intrinsic1, self.stereoRig.distCoeffs1) if roi is not None: # Cut image to given roi roi_x, roi_y, roi_w, roi_h = roi imgObj = imgObj[roi_y:roi_y+roi_h,roi_x:roi_x+roi_w] else: roi = (0,0,widthC,heightC) roi_x, roi_y, roi_w, roi_h = roi ### Estimate camera carrier frequency fc # Find central stripe on camera image stripe_cam =, self.stripeColor, self.stripeSensitivity) if stripe_cam is None: raise ValueError("Central stripe not found in image!") stripe_cam = stripe_cam.reshape(-1,2) # x, y camera points (already undistorted) # Find integer indexes of stripe on camera (round half down) #cam_indexes = np.ceil(objStripe-0.5).astype( # As (x,y) ### Find world points corresponding to stripe stripe_world = self._triangulate(stripe_cam, self.stripeCentralPeak, roi) #return stripe_world ### Build virtual reference plane #z_plane = np.min(stripe_world[:,2]) # For each camera stripe point (= for each row) estimate fc fc = self._calculateCameraFrequency(stripe_world) # Preprocess image for phase analysis imgObj_gray = self.convertGrayscale(imgObj) # FFT G = np.fft.fft(imgObj_gray, axis=1) freqs = np.fft.fftfreq(roi_w) # Pass-band filter parameters radius = radius_factor*fc fmin = fc - radius fmax = fc + radius if plot: cv2.namedWindow('Object',cv2.WINDOW_NORMAL) cv2.imshow("Object", imgObj) print("Press a key over the images to continue...") cv2.waitKey(0) cv2.destroyAllWindows() # Get discrete indexes of frequencies #fIndex = np.argmin( np.abs(freqs.reshape(1,-1) - fc.reshape(-1,1)), axis=1 ) # Shape (roi_h, ) #fminIndex = np.argmin( np.abs(freqs.reshape(1,-1) - fmin.reshape(-1,1)), axis=1 ) # Shape (roi_h, ) #fmaxIndex = np.argmin( np.abs(freqs.reshape(1,-1) - fmax.reshape(-1,1)), axis=1 ) # Shape (roi_h, ) fIndex = min(range(len(freqs)), key=lambda i: abs(freqs[i]-fc[roi_h//2])) fminIndex = min(range(len(freqs)), key=lambda i: abs(freqs[i]-fmin[roi_h//2])) fmaxIndex = min(range(len(freqs)), key=lambda i: abs(freqs[i]-fmax[roi_h//2])) plt.suptitle("Middle row FFT module") # Show module of FFTs plt.plot(freqs[:roi_w//2], np.absolute(G[roi_h//2-1,:roi_w//2]), label="|G|", linestyle='-', color='blue') # Show filtered band plt.axvline(x=freqs[fIndex], linestyle='-', color='black') plt.axvline(x=freqs[fminIndex], linestyle='dotted', color='black') plt.axvline(x=freqs[fmaxIndex], linestyle='dotted', color='black') plt.title(f"fc={fc[roi_h//2]}", size="small") plt.legend() plt.close() # Phase filtering mask_low = (freqs.reshape(1,-1) - fmin.reshape(-1,1)) < 0 mask_high = (freqs.reshape(1,-1) - fmax.reshape(-1,1)) > 0 G[ mask_low ] = 0 G[ mask_high ] = 0 # Inverse FFT ghat = np.fft.ifft(G,axis=1) phase = np.angle(ghat) # (-pi, pi] if unwrappingMethod is None: # Unwrap along the direction perpendicular to the fringe phaseUnwrapped = np.unwrap(phase, axis=1) # And remove jumps along other direction phaseUnwrapped = np.unwrap(phaseUnwrapped, axis=0) else: phaseUnwrapped = unwrappingMethod(phase) if plot: plt.title("Middle row unwrapped phase") plt.plot(np.arange(roi_w), phase[roi_h//2-1,:], label="Phase", linestyle='-.', color='red') plt.plot(np.arange(roi_w), phaseUnwrapped[roi_h//2-1,:], label="Unwrapped phase", linestyle='-', color='blue') plt.xlabel("Pixel position", fontsize=20) plt.ylabel("Phase", fontsize=20) plt.legend(fontsize=12) plt.close() # Calculate absolute phase shift [S. Zhang 2006 Novel method...] # ALTERNATIVE #stripe_indexes = np.ceil(stripe_cam-0.5).astype( # As (x,y) #theta_shift = phaseUnwrapped[stripe_indexes[:,1],stripe_indexes[:,0]] # Interpolation of phase values # Coordinates as [[list of y values...],[list of x values...]] theta_shift = map_coordinates(phaseUnwrapped, np.flip(stripe_cam.T,axis=0), order=1) theta_shift = np.mean(theta_shift) # Adjust phase to get absolute phase # Consider stripe as phase zero phaseUnwrapped = phaseUnwrapped - theta_shift phaseUnwrapped = phaseUnwrapped.reshape(-1,1) # Corresponding projector x values (add bias stripe + pixel center) p_x = (phaseUnwrapped)/(2*np.pi*self.fp) + self.stripeCentralPeak + 0.5 # Camera coordinates camPoints = np.mgrid[0:roi_w,0:roi_h].T.reshape(-1,2).astype(np.float64) camPoints += 0.5 # Consider pixel center finalPoints = self._triangulate(camPoints, p_x, roi) # Reshape as original image return finalPoints.reshape(roi_h,roi_w,3)
# Alias for single camera version GrayCodeSingle = GrayCode
[docs] class GrayCodeDouble: """ Wrapper for the Gray code method from OpenCV. Conventional active stereo implementation, i.e. using two calibrated cameras and one uncalibrated projector. Parameters ---------- rig : StereoRig A stereo rig object with two cameras. projRes : tuple Projector resolution as (width, height). black_thr : int, optional Black threshold is a number between 0-255 that represents the minimum brightness difference required for valid pixels, between the fully illuminated (white) and the not illuminated images (black); used in computeShadowMasks method. Default to 40. white_thr : int, optional White threshold is a number between 0-255 that represents the minimum brightness difference required for valid pixels, between the graycode pattern and its inverse images; used in `getProjPixel` method. Default to 5. .. todo:: Projector distortion may be unaccurate, especially along border. If this is the case, you can ignore it setting `rig.distCoeffs2 == None` before passing `rig` to the constructor or setting a narrow `roi`. """ def __init__(self, rig, projRes, black_thr=40, white_thr=5): self.rig = rig self.projRes = projRes # Build graycode using projector resolution self.graycode = cv2.structured_light_GrayCodePattern.create(projRes[0], projRes[1]) self.graycode.setBlackThreshold(black_thr) self.graycode.setWhiteThreshold(white_thr) self.num_patterns = self.graycode.getNumberOfPatternImages() self.Rectify1, self.Rectify2, commonRotation = ss.rectification._lowLevelRectify(rig) ### Get inverse common orientation and extend to 4x4 transform #self.R_inv = np.linalg.inv(commonRotation) #self.R_inv = np.hstack( ( np.vstack( (self.R_inv,np.zeros((1,3))) ), np.zeros((4,1)) ) ) #self.R_inv[3,3] = 1
[docs] def getCloud(self, images, roi1=None, roi2=None): """ Perform the 3D point calculation from a list of images. Parameters ---------- images : list or tuple A list (or tuple) of 2 dimensional tuples (ordered left and right) of image paths, e.g. [("oneL.png","oneR.png"), ("twoL.png","twoR.png"), ...] Each set must be ordered like all the Gray code patterns (see `cv2.structured_light_GrayCodePattern`). Any following extra image will be ignored (es. full white). roi1 : tuple, optional Region of interest on camera 1 in the format (x,y,width,height) where x,y is the upper left corner. Default to None. roi2 : tuple, optional As `roi1`, but for camera 2. Returns ------- numpy.ndarray Points with shape (n,1,3) """ w1, h1 = self.rig.res1 # Camera 1 resolution w2, h2 = self.rig.res2 # Camera 1 resolution # Contains at proj indexes, both camera correspondences as (x1,y1,x2,y2) corresp = np.full((self.projRes[1], self.projRes[0], 4), -1, dtype=np.intp) # Load images imgs1 = [] imgs2 = [] for fname1, fname2 in images[:self.num_patterns]: # Exclude any extra images (es. white, black) img1 = cv2.imread(fname1, cv2.IMREAD_GRAYSCALE) if img1.shape != (h1,w1): raise ValueError(f'Image size of {fname1} is mismatch!') img2 = cv2.imread(fname2, cv2.IMREAD_GRAYSCALE) if img2.shape != (h2,w2): raise ValueError(f'Image size of {fname2} is mismatch!') img1 = cv2.undistort(img1, self.rig.intrinsic1, self.rig.distCoeffs1) img2 = cv2.undistort(img2, self.rig.intrinsic2, self.rig.distCoeffs2) imgs1.append(img1) imgs2.append(img2) if roi1 is not None: roi1_x,roi1_y,roi1_w,roi1_h = roi1 else: roi1_x,roi1_y,roi1_w,roi1_h = (0, 0, w1, h1) # Find corresponding points for y in range(roi1_y,roi1_h): for x in range(roi1_x,roi1_w): err, proj_pix = self.graycode.getProjPixel(imgs1, x, y) if not err: corresp[y,x,0] = proj_pix[0] corresp[y,x,1] = proj_pix[1] if roi2 is not None: roi2_x,roi2_y,roi2_w,roi2_h = roi2 else: roi2_x,roi2_y,roi2_w,roi2_h = (0, 0, w2, h2) # Find corresponding points for y in range(roi2_y,roi2_h): for x in range(roi2_x,roi2_w): err, proj_pix = self.graycode.getProjPixel(imgs2, x, y) if not err: corresp[y,x,2] = proj_pix[0] corresp[y,x,3] = proj_pix[1] # Filter out missing correspondences corresp = corresp[(corresp>-1).any(axis=2)] # Consider pixel center (negligible difference, anyway...) corresp += 0.5 # Now we have solved the stereo correspondence problem. # To do triangulation easily, it is better to rectify. # Convert p1 = corresp[:,:,:2].astype(np.float64).reshape(-1,1,2) p2 = corresp[:,:,2:4].astype(np.float64).reshape(-1,1,2) # Apply rectification p1 = cv2.perspectiveTransform(p1, self.Rectify1).reshape(-1,2) p2 = cv2.perspectiveTransform(p2, self.Rectify2).reshape(-1,2) # Add ones as third coordinate p1 = np.hstack( (p1,np.ones((p1.shape[0],1),dtype=np.float64)) ) # Get world points disparity = np.abs(p1[:,[0]] - p2[:,[0]]) pw = self.rig.getBaseline()*(p1/disparity) # Cancel common orientation applied to first camera # to bring points into camera coordinate system finalPoints = cv2.perspectiveTransform(pw.reshape(-1,1,3), self.R_inv) return finalPoints
[docs] def computeROI(img, blackThreshold=10, extraMargin=0): """ Exclude black regions along borders. Usually the projector does not illuminate the whole image area. This function attempts to find the region of interest as a rectangle inside the biggest contour. Parameters ---------- img : numpy.ndarray Camera image with black borders. blackThreshold : int, optional Threshold for the black regions between 0 and 255. Default to 10. extraMargin : int, optional Extra safety margin to reduce to ROI. Default to 0. Returns ------- tuple ROI as tuple of integers (x,y,w,h). .. note:: To rewrite completely. Not suitable for production. """ if img.ndim>2: img = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) height,width = img.shape _, img_thresh = cv2.threshold(img, blackThreshold, 255, cv2.THRESH_BINARY) contours, hierarchy = cv2.findContours(img_thresh,cv2.RETR_EXTERNAL,cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE) # Select biggest contour best_cnt = max(contours, key = cv2.contourArea) # Find bounding rectangle x,y,w,h = cv2.boundingRect(best_cnt) # Look around rect borders and start shinking until is all inside x2,y2,w2,h2 = x,y,w,h while(True): allInside = True # TOP for j in range(x2,x2+w2): # Check that all the row in inside the contour. if y2 >= height: break if cv2.pointPolygonTest(best_cnt, (j,y2), False)<0: # Point is outside y2+=1 allInside = False break # RIGHT for i in range(y2,y2+h2): if w2 <= 1: break if cv2.pointPolygonTest(best_cnt, (x2+w2,i), False)<0: w2-=1 allInside = False break # BOTTOM for j in range(x2,x2+w2): if h2 <= 1: break if cv2.pointPolygonTest(best_cnt, (j,y2+h2), False)<0: h2-=1 allInside = False break # LEFT for i in range(y2,y2+h2): if x2 >= width: break if cv2.pointPolygonTest(best_cnt, (x2,i), False)<0: x2+=1 allInside = False break if allInside: # all the rect borders are within the contour break # Reduce ROI further. x2 += extraMargin y2 += extraMargin w2 -= int(2*extraMargin) h2 -= int(2*extraMargin) return (x2,y2,w2,h2)
######################################################################## ### TEMP FOR EXPERIMENTS ### Return phase shift and phase of object only (NO 3D)
[docs] class StereoFTP_PhaseOnly: """ Manager of the Stereo Fourier Transform Profilometry. Parameters ---------- stereoRig : StereoRig A stereo rig object with camera in position 1 (world origin) and projector in position 2. fringeDims : tuple Dimensions of projector image as (width, height). period : float Period of the fringe (in pixels). stripeColor : str, optional BGR color used for the central stripe to be chosen among "blue", "green" or "red". Also "b", "g", "r" accepted. Default to "red". stripeSensitivity : float, optional Sensitivity to find the stripe. See :func:`findCentralStripe()`. """ def __init__(self, stereoRig, fringe, period, shift=0, stripeColor="red", stripeSensitivity=0.5): self.stereoRig = stereoRig self.fringe = self.convertGrayscale(fringe) self.fringeDims = fringe.shape[:2][::-1] # (width, height) self.fp = 1/period self.stripeColor = stripeColor self.stripeSensitivity = stripeSensitivity self.stripeCentralPeak = _getCentralPeak(self.fringeDims[0], period, shift) self.F = self.stereoRig.getFundamentalMatrix() self.Rectify1, self.Rectify2, commonR = ss.rectification._lowLevelRectify(stereoRig) ### Get epipole on projector # Project camera position (0,0,0) onto projector image plane. ep = self.ep = ep/ep[2] ### Get inverse common orientation and extend to 4x4 transform R_inv = np.linalg.inv(commonR) R_inv = np.hstack( ( np.vstack( (R_inv,np.zeros((1,3))) ), np.zeros((4,1)) ) ) R_inv[3,3] = 1 self.R_inv = R_inv
[docs] @staticmethod def convertGrayscale(img): """ Convert to grayscale using max. This keeps highest BGR value over the central stripe (e.g. (0,0,255) -> 255), allowing the FFT to work properly. Parameters ---------- image : numpy.ndarray BGR image. Returns ------- numpy.ndarray Grayscale image. .. todo:: Gamma correction may be implemented as a parameter. """ return np.max(img,axis=2)
def _getProjectorMapping(self, z, interpolation = cv2.INTER_CUBIC): """ Find projector image points corresponding to each camera pixel after projection on reference plane to build coordinates and virtual reference image (as seen from camera) Points are processed and returned in row-major order. The center of each pixel is considered as point. Parameters ---------- z : float Desidered distance of the reference plane from the camera. interpolation : int See OpenCV interpolation constants. Default to `cv2.INTER_CUBIC`. Returns ------- Matrix of points with same width and height of camera resolution. Notes ----- Corresponding points on reference plane do not vary. They have to be calculated only during initialization considering the chosen reference plane. """ w, h = self.stereoRig.res1 invAc = np.linalg.inv(self.stereoRig.intrinsic1) # Build grid of x,y coordinates grid = np.mgrid[0:w,0:h].T.reshape(-1,1,2).astype(np.float64) # Consider center of pixel: it can be thought as # the center of the light beam entering the camera # Experiments showed that this is needed for projCoords # but *not* for the virtual reference image # (depends on how cv2.remap works, integer indexes # of original images are used) doubleGrid = np.vstack((grid+0.5, grid)) doubleGrid = np.append(doubleGrid, np.ones((w*h*2,1,1), dtype=np.float64), axis=2) # For *both* grids # de-project from camera to reference plane # and project on projector's image plane. # 1st half: To get exact projector coordinates from camera x,y coordinates (center of pixel) # 2d half: To build a virtual reference image (using *integer* pixel coordinates) pp, _ = cv2.projectPoints(doubleGrid, z*(self.stereoRig.R).dot(invAc), self.stereoRig.T, self.stereoRig.intrinsic2, self.stereoRig.distCoeffs2) # Separate the two grids pointsA = pp[h*w:] # 1st half projCoords = pp[:h*w].reshape(h,w,2) # 2nd half mapx = ( pointsA[:,0,0] ).reshape(h,w).astype(np.float32) mapy = ( pointsA[:,0,1] ).reshape(h,w).astype(np.float32) virtualReferenceImg = cv2.remap(self.fringe, mapx, mapy, interpolation); return projCoords, virtualReferenceImg def _calculateCameraFrequency(self, objPoints): """ Estimate fc from system geometry, fp and object points value. Draw a plane at given z distance in front of the camera. Find period size on it and project that size on camera. """ Ac = self.stereoRig.intrinsic1 Dc = self.stereoRig.distCoeffs1 Ap = self.stereoRig.intrinsic2 R = self.stereoRig.R T = self.stereoRig.T Dp = self.stereoRig.distCoeffs2 Op = (-np.linalg.inv(R).dot(T)).flatten() #ObjCenter = np.array([[[0],[0],[z]]], dtype=np.float32) objPoints = objPoints.reshape(-1,1,3).astype(np.float32) n = objPoints.shape[0] # Send center of reference plane to projector pCenter, _ = cv2.projectPoints(objPoints, R, T, self.stereoRig.intrinsic2, self.stereoRig.distCoeffs2) # Now we are in the projected image # Perfect fringe pattern. No distortion # Find two points at distance Tp (period on projector) halfPeriodP = (1/self.fp)/2 leftX = pCenter[:,0,0] - halfPeriodP rightX = pCenter[:,0,0] + halfPeriodP points = np.vstack( ( np.hstack((leftX.reshape(-1,1), pCenter[:,0,1].reshape(-1,1))), np.hstack((rightX.reshape(-1,1), pCenter[:,0,1].reshape(-1,1))) ) ) points = points.reshape(-1,1,2) # Shape (2n, 1, 2) ### Deproject on world plane # Un-distort points for the projector means to distort # as the pinhole camera model is made for cameras # and we are projecting back to 3D world distortedPoints = cv2.undistortPoints(points, Ap, Dp, P=Ap) # Shape (2n, 1, 2) # De-project in homogeneous coordinates at known world z # s * pp = Ap[R | T] * [pw 1].T invARp = np.linalg.inv( pp = np.hstack( ( distortedPoints.reshape(-1,2), np.ones((2*n,1), dtype=objPoints.dtype) ) ) # Shape (2n, 3) z = np.tile(objPoints[:,0,2].reshape(-1,1), (2,1)) # Shape (2n, 1) h = ( # Shape (2n, 3) s = (z - Op[2])/h[:,[2]] # Shape (2n, ) pw = s * h + Op.reshape(1,3) # Project on camera image plane (also applying lens distortion). # b points are seen by the camera (from world origin) pc, _ = cv2.projectPoints(pw.reshape(-1,1,3), np.eye(3), np.zeros((3,1)), Ac, Dc) # Shape (2n, 1, 2) pc = pc.reshape(-1, 2) a = pc[:n] b = pc[n:] # Now we have couples of 2 points on the camera that differ # exactly one projector period from each other # as seen by the camera # Use the first Euclid theorem to get the effective period Tc = ((a[:,0] - b[:,0])**2 + (a[:,1] - b[:,1])**2)/np.abs(a[:,0]-b[:,0]) # Return frequency return 1/Tc def _triangulate(self, camPoints, p_x, roi): """ For each camera undistorted point (c_x, c_y) and corresponding projector x-value p_x, find 3D point using Fundamental matrix. """ camPoints = camPoints.reshape(-1,2) n = camPoints.shape[0] camPoints[:,0] += roi[0] # Add coordinate x shift camPoints[:,1] += roi[1] # Add coordinate y shift ones = np.ones((n,1), dtype=camPoints.dtype) epipolarLinesP = np.hstack( (camPoints, ones) ).dot(self.F.T) # Shape (n, 3) #ones = np.ones((1,n), dtype=camPoints.dtype) #epipolarLinesP = np.vstack((camPoints.T, ones)) ) # Shape (3, n) #epipolarLinesP = epipolarLinesP.T # Shape (n, 3) # Get p_y values if np.isscalar(p_x): p_x = np.full((n,), p_x, dtype=camPoints.dtype) p_x = p_x.flatten() p_y = -(epipolarLinesP[:,0]*p_x + epipolarLinesP[:,2])/epipolarLinesP[:,1] p_y = p_y.reshape(-1,1) projPoints = np.hstack((p_x.reshape(-1,1), p_y)) # Shape (n, 2) ### Triangulate # Apply rectification to cam (already undistorted) pc = cv2.perspectiveTransform(camPoints.reshape(-1,1,2), self.Rectify1) # Apply lens correction to projector and rectify Ap = self.stereoRig.intrinsic2 Dp = self.stereoRig.distCoeffs2 pp = cv2.undistortPoints(projPoints.reshape(-1,1,2), Ap, Dp, P=Ap) pp = cv2.perspectiveTransform(pp, self.Rectify2) disparity = np.abs(pp[:,0,[0]] - pc[:,0,[0]]) pc = np.hstack( (pc.reshape(-1,2), np.ones((n,1), dtype=camPoints.dtype)) ) # Shape (n, 3) pw = self.stereoRig.getBaseline()*(pc/disparity) # Shape (n, 3) pw = cv2.perspectiveTransform(pw.reshape(-1,1,3), self.R_inv) return pw.reshape(-1,3)
[docs] def getPhase(self, imgObj, radius_factor=0.5, roi=None, plot=False): """ Process an image and get the point cloud. Parameters ---------- imgObj : numpy.ndarray BGR image acquired by the camera. radius_factor : float, optional Radius factor of the pass-band filter. Default to 0.5. roi : tuple, optional Region of interest in the format (x,y,width,height) where x,y is the upper left corner. Default to None. Returns ------- Point cloud with shape (height,width,3), with height and width same as the input image or selected `roi`. """ # Check that is a color image if imgObj.ndim != 3: raise ValueError("image must be a BGR color image!") widthC, heightC = self.stereoRig.res1 # Camera resolution # Undistort camera image imgObj = cv2.undistort(imgObj, self.stereoRig.intrinsic1, self.stereoRig.distCoeffs1) if roi is not None: # Cut image to given roi roi_x, roi_y, roi_w, roi_h = roi imgObj = imgObj[roi_y:roi_y+roi_h,roi_x:roi_x+roi_w] else: roi = (0,0,widthC,heightC) ### Estimate camera carrier frequency fc # Find central stripe on camera image objStripe =, self.stripeColor, self.stripeSensitivity) # Process a copy for triangulation cs = objStripe.reshape(-1,1,2).astype(np.float64) cs = cv2.undistortPoints(cs, # Consider distortion self.stereoRig.intrinsic1, self.stereoRig.distCoeffs1, P=self.stereoRig.intrinsic1) stripe_cam = cs.reshape(-1,2) # x, y camera points ### Find world points corresponding to stripe stripe_world = self._triangulate(stripe_cam, self.stripeCentralPeak, roi) #return stripe_world # For each point (= for each row) estimate fc fc = self._calculateCameraFrequency(stripe_world) ### Build virtual reference plane z_plane = np.min(stripe_world[:,2]) projCoords, imgR_gray = self._getProjectorMapping(z_plane) imgR_gray = imgR_gray[roi_y:roi_y+roi_h,roi_x:roi_x+roi_w] projCoords = projCoords[roi_y:roi_y+roi_h,roi_x:roi_x+roi_w] # Preprocess image for phase analysis imgObj_gray = self.convertGrayscale(imgObj) # FFT G0 = np.fft.fft(imgR_gray, axis=1) # FFT on x dimension G = np.fft.fft(imgObj_gray, axis=1) freqs = np.fft.fftfreq(roi_w) # Pass-band filter parameters radius = radius_factor*fc fmin = fc - radius fmax = fc + radius if plot: cv2.namedWindow('Virtual reference',cv2.WINDOW_NORMAL) cv2.namedWindow('Object',cv2.WINDOW_NORMAL) cv2.imshow("Virtual reference", imgR_gray) cv2.imshow("Object", imgObj) print("Press a key over the images to continue...") cv2.waitKey(0) cv2.destroyAllWindows() # Get discrete indexes of frequencies #fIndex = np.argmin( np.abs(freqs.reshape(1,-1) - fc.reshape(-1,1)), axis=1 ) # Shape (roi_h, ) #fminIndex = np.argmin( np.abs(freqs.reshape(1,-1) - fmin.reshape(-1,1)), axis=1 ) # Shape (roi_h, ) #fmaxIndex = np.argmin( np.abs(freqs.reshape(1,-1) - fmax.reshape(-1,1)), axis=1 ) # Shape (roi_h, ) fIndex = min(range(len(freqs)), key=lambda i: abs(freqs[i]-fc[roi_h//2])) fminIndex = min(range(len(freqs)), key=lambda i: abs(freqs[i]-fmin[roi_h//2])) fmaxIndex = min(range(len(freqs)), key=lambda i: abs(freqs[i]-fmax[roi_h//2])) plt.suptitle("Middle row FFT module") # Show module of FFTs plt.plot(freqs[:roi_w//2], np.absolute(G0[roi_h//2-1,:roi_w//2]), label="|G0|", linestyle='--', color='red') plt.plot(freqs[:roi_w//2], np.absolute(G[roi_h//2-1,:roi_w//2]), label="|G|", linestyle='-', color='blue') # Show filtered band plt.axvline(x=freqs[fIndex], linestyle='-', color='black') plt.axvline(x=freqs[fminIndex], linestyle='dotted', color='black') plt.axvline(x=freqs[fmaxIndex], linestyle='dotted', color='black') plt.title(f"fc={fc[roi_h//2]}", size="small") plt.legend() plt.close() # Phase filtering mask_low = (freqs.reshape(1,-1) - fmin.reshape(-1,1)) < 0 mask_high = (freqs.reshape(1,-1) - fmax.reshape(-1,1)) > 0 G[ mask_low ] = 0 G[ mask_high ] = 0 G0[ mask_low ] = 0 G0[ mask_high ] = 0 # Inverse FFT g0hat = np.fft.ifft(G0,axis=1) ghat = np.fft.ifft(G,axis=1) # Build the new signal and get its phase newSignal = ghat * np.conjugate(g0hat) phase = np.angle(newSignal) return phase.reshape(roi_h,roi_w), np.angle(ghat), np.angle(g0hat)