Source code for simplestereo._rigs


Main classes loaded at package level.

See :py:module:``.

.. todo::
    - Add new rig class for uncalibrated stereo.

import json
import numpy as np
import cv2

from . import rectification
from . import utils

[docs] class StereoRig: """ Keep together and manage all parameters of a calibrated stereo rig. The essential E and fundamental F matrices are optional as they are not always available. They may be computed from camera parameters, if needed. Parameters ---------- res1, res2 : sequence Resolution of camera as (width, height) intrinsic1, intrinsic2 : list or numpy.ndarray 3x3 intrinsic camera matrix in the form [[fx, 0, tx], [0, fy, ty], [0, 0, 1]]. distCoeffs1, distCoeffs2 : list or numpy.ndarray List of distortion coefficients of 4, 5, 8, 12 or 14 elements (refer to OpenCV documentation). R : list or numpy.ndarray. 3x3 rotation matrix of shape between the 1st and the 2nd camera coordinate systems. T : list or numpy.ndarray Translation vector between the coordinate systems of the cameras. E : numpy.ndarray, optional Essential matrix as numpy.ndarray (default None) . F : numpy.ndarray, optional Fundamental matrix as numpy.ndarray (default None). reprojectionError : float, optional Total reprojection error resulting from calibration (default None). .. note:: This class follows OpenCV convention to set the origin of the world coordinate system into the first camera. Hence the first camera extrinsics parameters will always be identity matrix rotation and zero translation. If your world coordinate system is placed into a camera, you must convert it to use this class (see :func:`simplestereo.utils.moveExtrinsicOriginToFirstCamera`). """ def __init__(self, res1, res2, intrinsic1, intrinsic2, distCoeffs1, distCoeffs2, R, T, F=None, E=None, reprojectionError=None): self.res1 = res1 self.res2 = res2 self.intrinsic1 = intrinsic1 self.intrinsic2 = intrinsic2 self.distCoeffs1 = distCoeffs1 self.distCoeffs2 = distCoeffs2 self.R = R self.T = T self.F = F self.E = E self.reprojectionError = reprojectionError @property def intrinsic1(self): return self._intrinsic1 @intrinsic1.setter def intrinsic1(self, v): self._intrinsic1 = np.asarray(v) # Ensure numpy.ndarray. @property def intrinsic2(self): return self._intrinsic2 @intrinsic2.setter def intrinsic2(self, v): self._intrinsic2 = np.asarray(v) # Ensure numpy.ndarray. @property def distCoeffs1(self): return self._distCoeffs1 @distCoeffs1.setter def distCoeffs1(self, d): self._distCoeffs1 = np.asarray(d) if d is not None else np.zeros(5) # Ensure numpy.ndarray or None. @property def distCoeffs2(self): return self._distCoeffs2 @distCoeffs2.setter def distCoeffs2(self, d): self._distCoeffs2 = np.asarray(d) if d is not None else np.zeros(5) @property def R(self): return self._R @R.setter def R(self, v): self._R = np.asarray(v).reshape((3,3)) @property def T(self): return self._T @T.setter def T(self, v): self._T = np.asarray(v).reshape((-1,1)) @property def F(self): return self._F @F.setter def F(self, v): self._F = np.asarray(v).reshape((3,3)) if v is not None else None @property def E(self): return self._E @E.setter def E(self, v): self._E = np.asarray(v).reshape((3,3)) if v is not None else None
[docs] @classmethod def fromFile(cls, filepath): """ Alternative initialization of StereoRig object from JSON file. Parameters ---------- filepath : str Path of the JSON file containing saved parameters of the stereo rig. Returns ------- StereoRig An object of StereoRig class. """ with open(filepath, 'r') as f: data = json.load(f) res1 = tuple(data.get('res1')) res2 = tuple(data.get('res2')) intrinsic1 = data.get('intrinsic1') intrinsic2 = data.get('intrinsic2') R = data.get('R') T = data.get('T') distCoeffs1 = data.get('distCoeffs1') distCoeffs2 = data.get('distCoeffs2') F = data.get('F') E = data.get('E') reprojectionError = data.get('reprojectionError') return cls(res1, res2, intrinsic1, intrinsic2, distCoeffs1, distCoeffs2, R, T, F, E, reprojectionError)
[docs] def save(self, filepath): """ Save configuration to JSON file. Save the current stereo rig configuration to a JSON file that can be loaded later. Parameters ---------- filepath : str Path where to save the JSON file containing the parameters of the stereo rig. """ with open(filepath, 'w') as f: out = {} out['res1'] = self.res1 out['res2'] = self.res2 out['intrinsic1'] = self.intrinsic1.tolist() out['intrinsic2'] = self.intrinsic2.tolist() out['R'] = self.R.tolist() out['T'] = self.T.tolist() out['distCoeffs1'] = self.distCoeffs1.tolist() out['distCoeffs2'] = self.distCoeffs2.tolist() if self.F is not None: out['F'] = self.F.tolist() if self.E is not None: out['E'] = self.E.tolist() if self.reprojectionError: out['reprojectionError'] = self.reprojectionError json.dump(out, f, indent=4)
[docs] def getCenters(self): """ Calculate camera centers in world coordinates. Anyway first camera will always be centered in zero (returned anyway). Returns ------- numpy.ndarray 3D coordinates of first camera center (always zero). numpy.ndarray 3D coordinates of second camera center. """ Po1, Po2 = self.getProjectionMatrices() C1 = np.zeros(3) # World origin is set in camera 1. C2 = -np.linalg.inv(Po2[:,:3]).dot(Po2[:,3]) return C1, C2
[docs] def getBaseline(self): """ Calculate the norm of the vector from camera 1 to camera 2. Returns ------- float Length of the baseline in world units. """ C1, C2 = self.getCenters() return np.linalg.norm(C2) # No need to do C2 - C1 as C1 is always zero (origin of world system)
[docs] def getProjectionMatrices(self): """ Calculate the projection matrices of camera 1 and camera 2. Returns ------- numpy.ndarray The 3x4 projection matrix of the first camera. numpy.ndarray The 3x4 projection matrix of the second camera. """ Po1 = np.hstack( (self.intrinsic1, np.zeros((3,1))) ) Po2 = np.hstack( (self.R, self.T) ) ) return Po1, Po2
[docs] def getFundamentalMatrix(self): """ Returns the fundamental matrix F. If not set, F is computed from projection matrices using :func:`simplestereo.calibration.getFundamentalMatrixFromProjections`. Returns ------- F : numpy.ndarray The 3x3 fundamental matrix. Notes ----- The fundamental matrix has always a free scaling factor. """ if self.F is None: # If F is not set, calculate it and update the object data. #P1, P2 = self.getProjectionMatrices() #self.F = calibration.getFundamentalMatrixFromProjections(P1,P2) # Alternative formula by # Multiple View Geometry in Computer Vision, by Richard Hartley and Andrew Zisserman vv = utils.getCrossProductMatrix( self.F = (np.linalg.inv(self.intrinsic2).T).dot(self.R).dot(self.intrinsic1.T).dot(vv) return self.F
[docs] def getEssentialMatrix(self): """ Returns the essential matrix E. If not set, E is computed from the fundamental matrix F and the camera matrices. Returns ------- E : numpy.ndarray The 3x3 essential matrix. Notes ----- The essential matrix has always a free scaling factor. """ if self.E is None: # If E is not set, calculate it and update the object data. F = self.getFundamentalMatrix() self.E = return self.E
[docs] def undistortImages(self, img1, img2, changeCameras=False, alpha=1, destDims=None, centerPrincipalPoint=False): """ Undistort two given images of the stereo rig. This method wraps `cv2.getOptimalNewCameraMatrix()` followed by `cv2.undistort()` for both images. If changeCameras is False, original camera matrices are used, otherwise all the parameters of `cv2.getOptimalNewCameraMatrix()` are considered when undistorting the images. Parameters ---------- img1, img2 : cv2.Mat A couple of OpenCV images taken with the stereo rig (ordered). changeCameras : bool If False (default) the original camera matrices are used and all the following parameters are skipped. If True, new camera matrices are computed with the given parameters. alpha : float Scaling parameter for both images. If alpha=0, it returns undistorted image with minimum unwanted pixels (so it may even remove some pixels at image corners). If alpha=1, all pixels are retained with some extra black images. Values in the middle are accepted too (default to 1). destDims : tuple, optional Resolution of destination images as (width, height) tuple (default to first image resolution). centerPrincipalPoint : bool If True the principal point is centered within the images (default to False). Returns ------- img1_undist, img2_undist : cv2.Mat The undistorted images. cameraMatrixNew1, cameraMatrixNew2 : numpy.ndarray If *changeCameras* is set to True, the new camera matrices are returned too. See Also -------- cv2.getOptimalNewCameraMatrix cv2.undistort """ if changeCameras: # Change camera matrices cameraMatrixNew1, _ = cv2.getOptimalNewCameraMatrix(self.intrinsic1, self.distCoeffs1, self.res1, alpha, destDims, centerPrincipalPoint) cameraMatrixNew2, _ = cv2.getOptimalNewCameraMatrix(self.intrinsic2, self.distCoeffs2, self.res2, alpha, destDims, centerPrincipalPoint) img1_undist = cv2.undistort(img1, self.intrinsic1, self.distCoeffs1, None, cameraMatrixNew1) img2_undist = cv2.undistort(img2, self.intrinsic2, self.distCoeffs2, None, cameraMatrixNew2) return img1_undist, img2_undist, cameraMatrixNew1, cameraMatrixNew2 else: # Use original camera matrices img1_undist = cv2.undistort(img1, self.intrinsic1, self.distCoeffs1, None, None) img2_undist = cv2.undistort(img2, self.intrinsic2, self.distCoeffs2, None, None) return img1_undist, img2_undist
[docs] class RectifiedStereoRig(StereoRig): """ Keep together and manage all parameters of a calibrated and rectified stereo rig. It includes all the parameters of StereoRig plus two rectifying homographies. Differently from OpenCV, here the rectifying *homographies* (pixel domain) are taken as input, the ones commonly referred in literature, and **not** the rectification transformation in the object space. Parameters ---------- Rcommon : numpy.ndarray 3x3 matrices representing the new common camera orientation after rectification. rectHomography1, rectHomography2 : numpy.ndarray 3x3 rectification homographies. StereoRig : StereoRig or sequence A StereoRig object or, *alternatively*, all the parameters of :meth:`simplestereo.StereoRig` (in the same order). """ def __init__(self, Rcommon, rectHomography1, rectHomography2, *args): self.Rcommon = Rcommon # Common camera orientation self.rectHomography1 = rectHomography1 # Rectification homographies self.rectHomography2 = rectHomography2 # Matrices that keep track of all affine transformations applied to left and right cameras. # These calculated in self.computeRectificationMaps() considering destination dimensions and zoom. # N.B. These will be needed for depth reconstruction! self.K1 = None self.K2 = None if isinstance(args[0], StereoRig): # Extend unpacking a StereoRig object r = args[0] super(RectifiedStereoRig, self).__init__(r.res1, r.res2, r.intrinsic1, r.intrinsic2, r.distCoeffs1, r.distCoeffs2, r.R, r.T, r.F, r.E, r.reprojectionError) else: # Or use all the parameters super(RectifiedStereoRig, self).__init__(*args) self.computeRectificationMaps() @property def Rcommon(self): return self._Rcommon @Rcommon.setter def Rcommon(self, v): self._Rcommon = np.asarray(v).reshape((3,3)) @property def rectHomography1(self): return self._rectHomography1 @rectHomography1.setter def rectHomography1(self, v): self._rectHomography1 = np.asarray(v).reshape((3,3)) @property def rectHomography2(self): return self._rectHomography2 @rectHomography2.setter def rectHomography2(self, v): self._rectHomography2 = np.asarray(v).reshape((3,3))
[docs] @classmethod def fromFile(cls, filepath): """ Alternative initialization of StereoRigRectified object from JSON file. Parameters ---------- filepath : str Path of the JSON file containing saved parameters of the stereo rig. Returns ------- StereoRigRectified An object of StereoRigRectified class. """ with open(filepath, 'r') as f: data = json.load(f) Rcommon = data.get('Rcommon') rectHomography1 = data.get('rectHomography1') rectHomography2 = data.get('rectHomography2') res1 = data.get('res1') res2 = data.get('res2') intrinsic1 = data.get('intrinsic1') intrinsic2 = data.get('intrinsic2') R = data.get('R') T = data.get('T') distCoeffs1 = data.get('distCoeffs1') distCoeffs2 = data.get('distCoeffs2') F = data.get('F') E = data.get('E') reprojectionError = data.get('reprojectionError') return cls(Rcommon, rectHomography1, rectHomography2, res1, res2, intrinsic1, intrinsic2, distCoeffs1, distCoeffs2, R, T, F, E, reprojectionError)
[docs] def save(self, filepath): """ Save configuration to JSON file. Save the current stereo rig configuration to a JSON file that can be loaded later. Parameters ---------- filepath : str Path where to save the JSON file containing the parameters of the stereo rig. """ with open(filepath, 'w') as f: out = {} out['Rcommon'] = self.Rcommon.tolist() out['rectHomography1'] = self.rectHomography1.tolist() out['rectHomography2'] = self.rectHomography2.tolist() out['res1'] = self.res1 out['res2'] = self.res2 out['intrinsic1'] = self.intrinsic1.tolist() out['intrinsic2'] = self.intrinsic2.tolist() out['R'] = self.R.tolist() out['T'] = self.T.tolist() out['distCoeffs1'] = self.distCoeffs1.tolist() out['distCoeffs2'] = self.distCoeffs2.tolist() if self.F is not None: out['F'] = self.F.tolist() if self.E is not None: out['E'] = self.E.tolist() if self.reprojectionError: out['reprojectionError'] = self.reprojectionError json.dump(out, f, indent=4)
[docs] def getRectifiedProjectionMatrices(self): """ Calculate the projection matrices of camera 1 and camera 2 after rectification. New projection matrices, after rectification, share the same orientation `Rcommon`, have only one horizontal displacement (the baseline) and have new intrinsics that depends on all the rigid manipulation done after rectification. Returns ------- numpy.ndarray The 3x4 projection matrix of the first camera. numpy.ndarray The 3x4 projection matrix of the second camera. """ C1, C2 = self.getCenters() P1 = np.hstack( (np.eye(3), -C1[:,None]) ) ) P2 = np.hstack( (np.eye(3), -C2[:,None]) ) ) return P1, P2
[docs] def computeRectificationMaps(self, destDims=None, alpha=1): """ Compute the two maps to undistort and rectify the stereo pair. This method wraps ``cv2.initUndistortRectifyMap()`` plus a custom fitting algorithm to keep image within dimensions. It modifies the original camera matrix applying affine transformations (x-y scale and translation, shear (x axis only)) without losing rectification. The two new maps are stored internally. This method is called in the constructor with default parameters and can be called later to change its settings. Parameters ---------- destDims: tuple, optional Resolution of destination images as (width, height) tuple (default to first image resolution). alpha : float, optional Scaling parameter between 0 and 1 to be applied to both images. If alpha=1 (default), the corners of the original images are preserved. If alpha=0, only valid rectangle is made visible. Intermediate values produce a result in the middle. Extremely skewed camera positions do not work well with alpha<1. Returns ------- None Notes ----- OpenCV uses *rectification transformation in the object space (3x3 matrix)*, but most of the papers provide algorithms to compute the homography to be applied to the *image* in a pixel domain, not a rotation matrix R in 3D space. This library always refers to rectification transform as the ones in pixel domain. To adapt it to be used with OpenCV the transformation to be used in :func:`cv2.initUndistortRectifyMap()` (and other functions) is given by ``. For each camera, the function computes homography H as the rectification transformation. """ if destDims is None: destDims = self.res1 # Find fitting matrices, as additional correction of the new camera matrices (if any). # Useful e.g. to change destination image resolution or zoom. Fit = rectification.getFittingMatrix(self.intrinsic1, self.intrinsic2, self.rectHomography1, self.rectHomography2, self.res1, self.res2, self.distCoeffs1, self.distCoeffs2, destDims, alpha) # Group all the transformations applied after rectification # These would be needed for 3D reconstrunction self.K1 = self.K2 = # OpenCV requires the final rotations applied R1 = self.Rcommon R2 = # Recompute final maps considering fitting transformations too self.mapx1, self.mapy1 = cv2.initUndistortRectifyMap(self.intrinsic1, self.distCoeffs1, R1, self.K1, destDims, cv2.CV_32FC1) self.mapx2, self.mapy2 = cv2.initUndistortRectifyMap(self.intrinsic2, self.distCoeffs2, R2, self.K2, destDims, cv2.CV_32FC1)
[docs] def rectifyImages(self, img1, img2, interpolation=cv2.INTER_LINEAR): """ Undistort, rectify and apply affine transformation to a couple of images coming from the stereo rig. *img1* and *img2* must be provided as in calibration (es. img1 is the left image, img2 the right one). This method is wraps ``cv2.remap()`` for two images of the stereo pair. The maps used are computed by :meth:`computeRectificationMaps` during initialization (with default parameters). :meth:`computeRectificationMaps` can be called before calling this method to change mapping settings (e.g. final resolution). Parameters ---------- img1, img2 : cv2.Mat A couple of OpenCV images taken with the stereo rig (ordered). interpolation : int, optional OpenCV *InterpolationFlag*. The most common are ``cv2.INTER_NEAREST``, ``cv2.INTER_LINEAR`` (default) and ``cv2.INTER_CUBIC``. Returns ------- img1_rect, img2_rect : cv2.Mat The undistorted images. """ img1_rect = cv2.remap(img1, self.mapx1, self.mapy1, interpolation); img2_rect = cv2.remap(img2, self.mapx2, self.mapy2, interpolation); return img1_rect, img2_rect
[docs] def get3DPoints(self, disparityMap): """ Get the 3D points in the space from the disparity map. If the calibration was done with real world units (e.g. millimeters), the output would be in the same units. The world origin will be in the left camera. Parameters ---------- disparityMap : numpy.ndarray A dense disparity map having same height and width of images. Returns ------- numpy.ndarray Array of points having shape *(height,width,3)*, where at each y,x coordinates a *(x,y,z)* point is associated. """ height, width = disparityMap.shape[:2] # Build the Q matrix as OpenCV requirement # to be used as input of ``cv2.reprojectImageTo3D`` # We need to cancel the final intrinsics (contained in self.K1 # and self.K2) # IMPLEMENTATION NOTES # fx and fy are assumed the same for left and right (after # rectification, they should) # Accepts different x-shear terms (generally not used) # cx1 is not the same of cx2 # cy1 is equal cy2 (as images are rectified). b = self.getBaseline() fx = self.K1[0,0] fy = self.K2[1,1] cx1 = self.K1[0,2] cx2 = self.K2[0,2] a1 = self.K1[0,1] a2 = self.K2[0,1] cy = self.K1[1,2] Q = np.eye(4, dtype='float64') Q[0,1] = -a1/fy Q[0,3] = a1*cy/fy - cx1 Q[1,1] = fx/fy Q[1,3] = -cy*fx/fy Q[2,2] = 0 Q[2,3] = -fx Q[3,1] = (a2-a1)/(fy*b) Q[3,2] = 1/b Q[3,3] = ((a1-a2)*cy+(cx2-cx1)*fy)/(fy*b) return cv2.reprojectImageTo3D(disparityMap, Q)
[docs] class StructuredLightRig(StereoRig): """ StereoRig child class with structured light methods. """ def __init__(self, r): if isinstance(r, StereoRig): # Extend unpacking a StereoRig object super(StructuredLightRig, self).__init__(r.res1, r.res2, r.intrinsic1, r.intrinsic2, r.distCoeffs1, r.distCoeffs2, r.R, r.T, r.F, r.E, r.reprojectionError) else: raise ValueError("Invalid argument!") self._computeMatrices() def _computeMatrices(self): self.R1, self.R2, self.R = rectification._lowLevelRectify(self) ### Get inverse common orientation and extend to 4x4 transform R_inv = np.linalg.inv(self.R) R_inv = np.hstack( ( np.vstack( (R_inv,np.zeros((1,3))) ), np.zeros((4,1)) ) ) R_inv[3,3] = 1 self.R_inv = R_inv
[docs] def fromFile(self): return StructuredLightRig(StereoRig.fromFile(self))
[docs] def triangulate(self, camPoints, projPoints): """ Given camera-projector correspondences, proceed with triangulation. Parameters ---------- camPoints, projPoints: numpy.ndarray Ordered corresponding coordinates as (x, y) couples from camera and projector. Last dimension must be 2. Camera points must be already undistorted. Returns ------- 3D coordinates with shape (-1, 1, 3). """ pc = camPoints.reshape(-1,1,2) pp = projPoints.reshape(-1,1,2) pc = cv2.perspectiveTransform(pc, self.R1).reshape(-1,2) # Apply rectification # Add ones as third coordinate pc = np.hstack( (pc,np.ones((pc.shape[0],1),dtype=np.float64)) ) # *Apply* lens distortion to H. # A projector is considered as an inversed pinhole camera (and so are # the distortion coefficients) # H is on the original imgFringe. Passing through the projector lenses, # it gets distortion, so it does not coincide with real world point. # But we want rays going exactly towards world points. # Remove intrinsic, undistort and put same intrinsic back. pp = cv2.undistortPoints(pp, self.intrinsic2, self.distCoeffs2, P=self.intrinsic2) # Apply rectification to projector points. # Rectify2 cancels the intrinsic and applies new rotation. # No new intrinsics here. pp = cv2.perspectiveTransform(pp, self.R2).reshape(-1,2) # Get world points disparity = np.abs(pp[:,[0]] - pc[:,[0]]) finalPoints = self.getBaseline()*(pc/disparity) # Cancel common orientation applied to first camera # to bring points into camera coordinate system # NOT NEEDED See `rectification._lowLevelRectify` finalPoints = cv2.perspectiveTransform(finalPoints.reshape(-1,1,3), self.R_inv) return finalPoints
[docs] def undistortCameraImage(self, imgObj): """ Undistort camera image. Parameters ---------- imgObj : numpy.ndarray Camera image. Returns ------- Undistorted image. """ return cv2.undistort(imgObj, self.intrinsic1, self.distCoeffs1)